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Everything posted by GrizzBerri

  1. Really cool use of the skill books, love the lantern too! Good luck!
  2. Those are some ferociously adorable wolves. Best of luck!
  3. Fantastic job! Best of luck!
  4. We love you guys, we love the game, and we're happy to be a part of this niche little community! You're the best! Thank you!
  5. Council Tool Company It's a steel head, it's just black paint on the back half (not my choice but hey). As for the handle its fairly straight, just has a knob on the end. Its not really built for throwing, more for splitting. Appreciate the interest though!
  6. My girlfriend and I dressed up as Mackenzie and Dr. Greenwood for halloween, does this work? We also posted this on the subreddit, if that helps.