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Posts posted by Loonsloon

  1. I'm back for another Deadman run in The Long Dark! This Classic Deadman run is a custom game setting designed to have maximum harshness, no condition recovery, and no birch bark tea! My settings build off the original Deadman Challenge but I've tweaked it to maximize the harshness (as I see it) and make it 'the worst it can be'. We'll review the custom settings in Episode 1.
    The custom code I'm using is: 8sHM-/z8P-Ly+3-gZym-OAMC
  2. On 7/22/2020 at 2:55 PM, NardoLoopa said:

    Ah, the old Moose/Bear switcheroo.  Gets ya every time.  Just love that you sat down for a nice cuppa tea when he joined your picnic.

    It was a switcheroo! First time they’ve conspired on me like that. And yea I had the teacup at like 45 degrees when he came through me.

  3. On 4/10/2020 at 11:54 AM, TehFlashBang said:

    Dang man, those starts. Seems like a fun mode though, like it would be a real challenge. I might try it with loper loot with random location just to try and work towards deadman. Good luck though, man!

    I found Birchman to be very well balanced overall - with BBT and the abundant stims, it’s very doable. I’ve played a bit of pure deadman and find it a bit too micromanagey. I like it in Birchman that you have to work for your condition recovery and you don’t just get it for turtling. I think I’ll play Birchman from now on - I like it better than sleepwalker even because it forces you to eat and be careful, but you can stockpile bbt so you can get 50% back in a pinch if you have to. On sleepwalker 50% recovery takes weeks which is tedious. 

  4. I'm embarking on a Gucci Birchman Safari in The Long Dark v1.671.69 "Errant Pilgrim".  This custom survival mode run has the Stalker loot table (Gucci), has condition recovery off but Birch Bark Tea is active (Birchman) and I'm on a vengeance hunt (Safari) to skin the Timberwolves that took me out in my first visit to Bleak Inlet. And, I'll start in Bleak Inlet for the novelty and excitement of it.  Hopefully this provides a bit of a 'break' from my previous nail-bitters, and with a little luck I'll be beachcoming with a warm cup of herbal tea and and a Timberwolf coat in no time...

    The custom code is:  8tnM-bj8P-Lx+z-gaF2-+OIB


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  5. I've taken on Deadman in a new video series.  The original post describing the Deadman challenge is:


    In this run I've changed a few options to maximize the harshness of it so that it is 'the worst it can be' (see Day 1 for details).  I'm also still playing 1.47 for the 'classic' terminal deadman experience (i.e., no birch bark tea).  The custom code I'm using is:


    I'm well into this run now and am still alive and adding videos. I forgot to post it when I started so sorry about that, but here it is in case you're interested:


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  6. I appreciate the injury/afflictions as side quest concept. The afflictions add to the unpredictability of the game and underline the go-with-the-flow philosophy that you need to succeed. In that vein, I’m a bit disappointed that some afflictions effectively never happen - hypothermia, dysentery for example. It would be ‘nice’ to get those once and a while. I would suggest making toilet water unsafe so there’s a dysentery possibility in early game. I also think hypothermia risk should kick in a lot faster. I’d like to see more cuts - when using knives in the dark/tired for example. Anyway..2 cents here.