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Posts posted by Liofa

  1. On 5/19/2019 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

    Rhetorical Question - Are the sprains happening when you "turn your head."  My overall number of sprains has gone way down since the hotfix and are now down quite a bit even from before the steadfast update.  I used to get a ton of sprain while turning and, after the update but before the hotfix, I was getting a number of them on flat ground.  The thing they had most in common was that they would occur mostly while turning around or attempting to look to the side (since there is no actual mechanic for just turning the head).  I'm on the Xbox, so a thought I also had was that it had something to do with the controller sensitivity setting and I did adjust mine slightly.  Just a thought perhaps worth checking into if you're still having a problem.  Since the 1.50 hotfix, I've put in 62 days of play on two different characters and only received 2 sprains.

    Mostly just walking up hills, I am in Mystery Lake and other threads seem to indicate that ML seems worse for strains than other zones. I hope so, because ML isn't even that hilly.

  2. 16 hours ago, Muestereate said:

    Out of Mystery lake and the sprain, the system seems quite reasonable. I've even been walkin on inclines with over a hundred pounds. Made my way out to desolation point and picked up some heavy clothes. In Mystery lake, I can barely get around with 65.  Mystery lake could be as easy to traverse if the wolves weren't on all the flat spots. They force you into hilly shortcuts.  I have really grown to enjoy mountain climbing though.


    Its as if I'm getting punished for having fun. Instead I trudge around the Long Coastal highway, stay on the boring scenery and of course, keep my pistol drawn American style. Maybe these heavy clothes are helping but all the posts say they have no effect. By-By Mystery lake, You were my first.

    My new game has started in Mystery Lake and I have seen a ridiculous amount of sprains. I agree it's forcing me to stay on the flay and away from the interesting terrain. 

  3. 4 hours ago, GothSkunk said:

    Jumping in here to say I have no problem with the new sprain mechanic. Yes, it's forced me to re-think how I'm going to traverse certain ground, and I get very nervous when a bleeding animal I'm tracking scales a steep slope, but that's the hand I'm dealt. And I don't mind that at all.

    What's the point in having all of these huge maps to explore with a lot of steep terrain if you are constantly worried about how you are going to traverse the map?

    It's essentially forcing players to only walk mainly on the flat or in valleys and thus into areas where the wildlife lives. We've learnt the landscape over time and where the dangers are and now we are being encouraged to stay away from the hills and our favourite routes. It's not as if the wildlife locations are random each game.
    I was tracking a deer from the main lodge in ML up over the hills and got two hand sprains within 30s of each other, unencumbered and rested. Then a few minutes later I was standing on a slope, not moving and got an ankle sprain. So now we can't track animals over hilly terrain? The way the blood trails seem to work, you have to follow them or they don't show up.

    I like the rest of the update, but the sprain frequency is very annoying, I've basically given up playing until a solution can be found. I don't want to turn off sprains because I'm working on feats. 

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  4. I'm still getting overloaded with sprains. Tracking a deer blood trail over hilly ground with 25kg/35kg of gear, nearly full rest and I got two hand sprains within 30s of each other and another standing still on hilly terrain a few minutes later. 

    It seems somewhat pointless following blood trails into the hills now. If I don't get the kill I may as well leave the deer running off and hope I find it later on flat ground, as the blood trail disappears if you don't continue to follow it.

    I think I am just going to start a new run and turn off the sprain system, it's just draining my enjoyment of the game right now.

    It's a shame, the old system seemed balanced in the sense that the sprains caught me by surprise, now I just know I am likely get one (or three) every time I walk on hilly terrain. There are a lot of places you need to get to walking on hills, the maps are large and many are hilly. 

    I started this game on steadfast, before the sprains "fix" patch, perhaps my game is bugged or still using old values for the sprain system, as it seems there's been quite a bit of variation in reports of sprain frequency. Some people are getting lots and others aren't getting so many. I don't think my play style is all that "gung ho" when it comes to taking risks.

  5. 11 hours ago, Goodzilla said:

    @stapeliad  I have got the same problem here.

    I like to walk up or down a hill apart the paths and after the last update I got spraining's all day long.

    It feels like 10 times more than before. Even I walk on an easy terrain, lets say in PV from the radio tower to the farmhouse. Just on the way down from the Radio tower I get two sprains at least, before I never had this problem at all.

    I agree I have just had two hand sprains in 30 seconds tracking a deer blood trail over hilly terrain and then an ankle sprain a few minutes later standing still on hilly ground. I had 25kg/35kg of gear and wasn't tired.

    I think I am just going to abandon my run and make a custom one and turn off sprains. It's getting ridiculous now. I means if I can't kill prey outright there's no point tracking them because I am bound to get sprains. I've run out of pain killers now... 

    I really hope they fix this new system. 

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  6. 23 hours ago, diggity said:

    100% agree with this, way way less frequent but more severe.   This update (1.49) is seriously impacting my playstyle and thus enjoyment of the game.  Plus the contradictory strategy advice is placing us in a bind.  Avoid unnecessary fights with wolves! Except if going around them means climbing something even slightly steep.   What?  Don't like this, please fix.

    Yes, even with the hotfix to the sprains system this week I am still seeing a lot of sprains. It's pretty much limiting me to only walking in the valleys, making the steeper terrain and hills off-limits. It's a shame, the maps are large and I'd like to use as much of them as I can. I think I'll wait until there's (hopefully) some more tuning to the new system before continuing with my run, it's just a pain (no pun intended) to have to carry lots of bandages and I'm running out of painkillers. 

    I haven't looked to see if custom games have tuning for sprains, I'd probably tune it down by half if that's possible.

  7. After playing this evening on the new "fixed" patch, I thought I'd leave a note to say that I think that the sprain system is still giving far too many sprains which makes game play a little less enjoyable. Even unencumbered walking up hills I'm still getting far too many "hand" sprains.

    The new system is interesting and I like the UI improvements, however there's little point in having so much open terrain, especially steeper terrain, if the player can't really use it for fear of spraining, it becomes a bandage management simulator. 

    Is the thinking to subtly encourage  players to walk mainly through valleys or into areas where the wildlife is more likely to be? I hope not, I've enjoyed exploring and finding "safer" routes around the maps, skirting the patrolling wolves.

    Perhaps there could be a greater cool down after a strains, before the next one occurs? Also, the bandages aren't showing up on the UI wheel if you're carrying lots of pills and other medication.

    Thanks for the updates! 

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  8. Yes, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I've done a lot of walking in this game and holding down the W key for a long time does sometimes feel like it's flattening out your finger. Especially in strong headwinds, for some reason my brain just wants me to press harder! Auto walk FTW. World of Warcraft has the feature and it works great for walking long distances.

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