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Posts posted by U47

  1. Well everything started on a bad note. Game would not start and always froze but corrected that and played the event.

    I wonder how much time and effort went into this and if that time and effort instead had gone into fixing bugs or further development of the game, what would make the players of the game more happy??

    Anyways I grade it a  C- only for the effort.

  2. Hello and first off thank you for a wonderfully, enjoyable game!

    Couple of quick questions to get the developers thoughts on a few things.

    1. Eating ruined (0% condition) cooked meat gives the full calories and with Cooking at lvl5 the player has no chance of getting food poisoning also cooking ruined (0% condition) meat restores it to 50% condition. Ruined is ruined, we are unable to repair clothes or other items that are ruined so what makes meat so special?

    2. Drinking a tea to get a few calories and reduce the weight of said tea does not give the benefit of the tea. Drinking this left over tea, at a later time, gives the player the full benefit as if they had drank the entire tea.

    These all seem to be "exploits" or clever use of game mechanics to me and each player can do as they will and I am not to judge them. I am just wondering is this was the intended way the developers envisioned these game mechanics?

  3. I like the idea of the can being used as a small stove. To balance it it would need to take condition damage so eventually it would become unusable. A good use for all the cans that end up being just left standing around.

    If you have to shoot the rifle like that then you need to be a bit more tactical, although I understand you are saying the level 5 skill should allow us to chamber another round a bit quicker.

  4. Since the search function returned exactly what I wanted, I am bumping this thread.

    If I am holding a burning torch then it should be automatically selected to start a fire. 

    Also since I saw this as results of my search. Tinder.

    I find it is not good game design if an item becomes obsolete once a skill level is achieved. Tinder burns just as well as a stick one would think maybe hotter but with shorter burn time or still used to increase lighting a fire chance. Many good ideas I saw.

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