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Posts posted by peteloud

  1. After seeing your trader's stall I decided to give TLD another try and play with the mods. 

    It became a heluva hassle.  I have so many different versions of TLD and hundreds of saves, spread over three computers and more hard disks and partitions that anyone would believe.  Just finding the game with a save that ran was a problem.  When I found a working pair, I added some mods and had a load more trouble.

    Yesterday I thought that I had cracked the problem.  I went back to a pre-TFT version and ran it online from Steam.  It worked great,  Then I added Melon & 3 or 4  mods, incl. Place Anywhere.  It didn't work 😬.



  2. 2 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    Hello old friend!  Been a while since you've graced these forums.  Yeah, the old hunting lodge bistro in the Broken Railroad region.
    I wonder if those pics are still here somewhere. 

    It is probably saved under your "attachments"

  3. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Some of us don't have the option to back up saves... Does that mean we're silly?  

    Just because permadeath is only in survival it doesn't make it wrong or bad. It's part of the game ,that's why it's called survival..

    It just sounds to me that you want all the rules of wintermute in survival ,but why not just play story or try and choose custom settings and mods that will give you that..

    It's better than blaming htl for bad game design.  Which in my opinion is not remotely true.

    If you play on a system where you can't b ack up saves you might have point, otherwise,

    I think that you spend more time posting comments than playing the game.

    When you have passed 5,000 hours playing time and completed that cartographer challenge more than ten times I'll pay more attention to your comments.


  4. 3 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    . . . . . .

    I don't think @peteloud is necessarily trying to make the game "easy."  . . . .

    Thanks for explaining that more fully.

    Having been disappointed with the DLC,  I have given mods a bit more thought.  For years I was against Mods, not all mods, mods that I regarded a cheats. Before someone says it, the House Lights mod that I have used for about my last year of playing, makes it easier so that is a cheat too.

    My thoughts have been on incorporating some of the Mods into the standard game. This could have created much more enjoyable gameplay than the acorn & pancake stuff.  But a bigger advantage is that it could have resulted in an improved game very quickly and asuming that HTL paid some sort of royalty to the mod developer,  it could have been much cheaper than using a full devlopment team to create new material.

    I have used very few mods and only in relatively recent days, House Lights, another for clearing up rubbish, and another for removing corpses.  I think I used one for saving anything time I wanted.   I think Permadeath is a very bad aspect of the game.  I always back up my saves, which I agree is a cheat. I think anyone who doesn't is not wise.  To lose a game after 500 days due to a surprise bear attack, or due to some bug in the game, and have to start again from Day 1, is plain silly.  I regard this is the biggest fault in the game.

    There are many other Mods that appear to be interesting, amusing and would improve the game greatly, far more than acorns & pancakes.






  5. 1 hour ago, AdamvR said:

    So, let me try to understand your standpoint : are you saying, that the indoors are dark, not because they were meant to make you decide whether you use resources to light them up, but because of a mistake in the code? Or something else?

    Yes.  That  certainly was the case in earlier years. I've not been playing much recently  so it, might be better now.

  6. 11 hours ago, KingFuzz said:

    You get that this game isn’t meant to be easy, right? Bugs are one thing but having to light a torch in a dark room is part of the game. It seems like you just don’t like the core game. No slight towards you. Makes sense why you want to use mods. But calling a game bad because you don’t like it is far from constructive. 

    I have played the game for over 6,000 hours.  This suggests that I like the game and understand the problems better than most.

    There is difference between making the game difficult and problems due to having errors in the code.

  7. 1 hour ago, AdamvR said:

    I personally do not think it is in any way unrealistic:

    I can only assume that you are relatively new to the game.

    I started playing around 2017 or 2018, I think with version 1.37, or something like that.  In my first few years of playing some interiors were terrible, almost as black as the ace of spades. Some were OK.  I would bet that there were faults in the algorithms to cause it.  But that is not the point.  Even if it was an accurate reproduction of illumination levels inside a room with small windows it ruined the gameplay and needed changing.   It steadily improved over the years. 

    In my recent test of the game I was quite impressed with the lighting when going through a cave.  In a long cave or tunnel there would be no light whatsoever so everything would be full black if represented accurately.  That would be no good in a game. In my recent test I found that there was just enough to see a little, but not much.  As I went through that cave I thought to myself, how well the developers had chosen the level of illumination.

    Games are meant to be enjoyable.  They must make things difficult so that one has a feeling of satisfaction when one conquers that difficulty.  To make make something unneccesarily and unreasonably difficult makes a bad game.

    As I sat writing the comment, with a couple of stubbie beers, I could not help but to reflect on the earlier comment about Mods.  I suspect that the addition of the capabilities of some well chosen mods would add more enjoyment to the game than all stuff about acorns and baking pancakes.

  8. 4 hours ago, AdamvR said:

    (at the same time: I never use mods. . . . .

    I avoided Mods for years but the level of illumination was so bad at times that I installed House Lights.  Lighting is better now    

    I think I have another Mod installed but can't remember. 

    However I have to admit some Mods add interesting and fun activties. I like piddy's rearrangement of rooms.

  9. 2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Bugs like that are never fun.  Hopefully, you got it working again.

    No, I gave up, but that was not my game/computer. 


    However I did manage to sort out the problem with my computer not being able to reinstall TLD from STEAM.  It was the version.dll  file that was part of Mods that I was trying out.   Previously both TLD and the Mods were working perfectly, so I don't blame them.  I have no idea what corrupted the version.dll file, perhaps it was something that I did.

    Having had a brief look at the lastest TLD, I think I shall continue my wait for Episode 5.

  10. What the final straw was today was when in a game I couldn't light a fire.  Whenever I tried many other things didn't work.  Fortunately I backup my saves so that it didn't result in Permadeath.

    However I have so many versions of TLD and more backup saves than I could count and I have a few Mods running so there is a possibility, although I doubt it, that I might have brought on the problem myself. This was further complicated by not being able replace my TLD download from Steam, so I wasn't playing my usual game.  Whatever, the game is no longer the exciting challenge that it has been.

  11. I returned to TLD and was screwed up by a load of bugs. 


    I can't be bothered with  this hassle.  To pot with it.  I shall return to Skyrim until HTL sorts TLD out.


    I am amazed at how I feel. As I have already said, I have played TLD for  around 6,000 hours and I thought that it was the best game ever.  Now I am utterly p*ssed off with it.

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  12. xanna,

    Thanks for that explanation. I must admit that I am still confused.  I need to re-read your reply carefully.

    In my opinion the DLC marketing strategy has been very badly done. I think that HTL should have completed Episode 5 before bringing out the DLC.

    Every now and again I get the chance to try out the DLC and I am disappointed with it.  Bringing out the DLC section by section means that much of the game needs repeating with the new features everytime something new is added and needs to be found and used.  Apart from that, some of the new features seem a bit of a tedious waste of time.  I haven't played enough of the latest DLC Survival, but I suspect that I would survive better if I stuck to killing and cooking animals than having all the hassles of collecting acorns, hunting ptarmigan and baking pies & panckes.

    Don't think that I am anti-HTL or anti-DLC. I have played TLD for several years and have around 6,000 hours of playing the game.  have praised it a great many times in many places. I am primarily referring to the HTL decision to bring out the DLC before completing the game. 

  13. I have tried to avoid the DLC.  I want to complete the standard, original game before I try the paid-for DLC.  However my curiosity got the better of me and I have been looking at the TLD & Steam websites to see what is in the DLC and when Episode 5 will come out.  This left me confused with a few queries.

    When I open my TLD I see that it is ver 2.24 121035 S 

    When I open my Wintermute it is ver 2.07 120583 S

    When view the TLD website on STREAM I see that the latest update is 2.23.  This leaves me confused.


    How will the original game and the DLC link to Episode 5?  Will Episode 5 have all the extras of the DLC, i.e. pancakes etc. If so, will purchasers of the original game who have not bought the DLC be able to run Episode 5?

  14. 9 minutes ago, SirSharper said:

    Collect enough acorns to make Large Portions.  use that too eat, or grind for "acorn tea".  Large portions only take a couple minutes after the initial small portion is made.   -- Comes in handy on Loper, and just a perf for every other mode. 

    It is much easier to make ordinary coffee or to kill a deer or rabbit.  The hassle of carrying a heavy hammer halfway across Great Bear and collecting, cooking, cracking, grinding etc. is very bad use of time when similar results can be obtained with little effort.  It makes me think of that useless aurora flashlight.

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  15. I admit that I am disappointed with the change from early-access to DLC but I do appreciate your being open and honest about the difficulties that you are having.

    I've been playing TLD for years, I can wait a few more yet.

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  16. Amir

    "Nothing in life has ever hooked me like TLD has... "


    "I haven't had as much interest in playing. "


    I agree with both feelings.  I have found many bugs and irritating features in the latest releases.  I have been hesitant to complain as there are so many and some might be related to my hardware, altough such issues didn't bother me in the standard TLD.

    I find that many interiors, rooms and caves to be very dark.  This was a problem we had in TLD years ago and was slowly cleared up.  Have the problems returned, or is it my system.  It makes the game a drag when I can't see things in a room.  I have started using the House Lighting Mod to compensate, just so that I can see my way around, not as a cheat.

    In the past couple of days I have been trying out acorn coffee.  What an utter waste of time, or have a missed some benefit that it gives?

    I could go on and on with details of bugs I am encountering but, as hozz1235 says, "I haven't had as much interest in playing. " or reporting the bugs.

    I wish HTL had finished off Episode 5 with the original format before launching the DLC.


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