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Posts posted by FluffyComeHome

  1. I don't hate HRV but I do like TWM and DP much more! TWM has all the weather and wildlife challenges, along with plenty of hunting. Cloth is not abundant but close enough. Desolation Point is just pretty. The waves lapping at the shore, the sound of the loons, and that amazing sunset; just makes me want to stay.

    The only thing I don't really like about HRV has nothing to do with the map, its me.

    I...um...well, I just keep getting lost. LoL!

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  2. @peteloud Yeah, I get it and I completely agree that from a marketing/PR standpoint more frequent communication would be a benefit. Im guessing they know that too as they are looking to hire a "Community Lead". Part of that role would be engaging in different social channels, like this forum. Recruiting is always a time consuming process, especially when you are trying to find someone that is qualified for the position and a good fit for the company team and the audience/consumer (that would be us - lol).

    I'm sure once they have someone hired, onboarded, and trained we will see more frequent interactions.

    I do see that you are a devoted TLD player, and I didn't think you were complaining. :) Just tossing up some ideas my own.


  3. And now for another two cents...

    I bought this game while in development so I knew that updates would not be consistent or even precisely reliable for timing. I did trust that they would provide great content when they did roll some out, and they have more than delivered on that promise.

    Also, as fall approaches I also wonder (not expecting, but  definitely hoping) if some of their resources have been diverted in order to come up with another 4DON challenge.

    I'll just enjoy a cuppa tea while I'm waiting. No matter how long it takes, I know its worth the wait.

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  4. Quote

    Comparing the Switch to a gaming PC is like comparing a bicycle to a Ducati

    Thank you. That's the first good laugh I have enjoyed in awhile. Not dissing the consoles, but yeah. It's just like that.

  5. I dont think he was saying there were still secrets to uncover right here (as in you missed something). I think he is speaking the larger sense, that more mysteries will be revealed as we play through all the episodes of the game.

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  6. I'm gonna add my two cents, but to be honest, I think everyone at Hinterland already knows this.

    There are a lot of people in this world who have not yet mastered the art of patience. Combine that with the frustration of being cooped up due to covid (which is especially tough on younger folks who are missing out on so many things they grew up expecting to happen) and it just amplifies that impatience.

    I read that original post and feel a little sad. I think being rude and disrespectful was uncalled for, but wonder if there is a young person on the other end of that computer who is a little scared about whats happening, and totally tired of being scared and isolated. Six months probably seems like an eternity. So I have a little forgiveness in my heart when I see these posts. And in the end, they may just be venting because they need something they can lash out at.

    TLD is a unique and well made game and that just doesn't happen by rushing the creative or production process. Some companies churn games out at a rate that sets an unrealistic expectation regarding what is a reasonable time frame for a company that is focusing on putting out a high-quality product, while treating their employees well and growing the company (also trying to do this during a pandemic). But I imagine that cookie cutter business model is exactly what Hinterland is trying to avoid.

    It's also easy to forget that Hinterland brought us all along for the ride as they developed this game. Instead of working for years behind the scenes and releasing a completely finished game; we got to be part of the ground floor development. And that's part of the beauty of playing TLD now. One day it will be a completely finished series. And people will buy the game and enjoy it, but they will never get to be part of the process they way we are right now.

    Cheers Hinterland. You are doing it exactly right and we appreciate your game and respect your company.

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  7. Its always best to watch the intro videos and fan videos before buying any game. People tend to be really into certain aspects of gaming and if a game doesn't hit those buttons, it will not be enjoyed. The things I love most about TLD is figuring things out on my own and playing solo. But those things may be be terrible for someone else.

    Glad you only spent $8. We've all purchased things that didn't live up to our expectations. We learn from it and move on.

    But, also dont be too hasty to trash the game either. There must have been something that enticed you to buy it, so maybe its just a matter of getting used to things. Check out some YouTube videos.

    And btw.: I guess I'm okay at this game (pretty consistent with 100+ days on Interloper/500+ days on Voyager) and been playing for a few years...but I still cant hit a blasted rabbit with a stone. I can kill bears and wolves all day long, but those treacherous little bunnies thwart me every time!

  8. It could just be that game development does not lend itself to every minute detail straight off. There are thousands of life aspects that could, or could not, be included. I think it might be unrealistic to include everything. They would never get the game finished.


  9. I think if you break down any game to its base elements you could say the same thing. It's really all about what you enjoy and your expectations of a game when you buy it.

    I'm surprised that you bought a game that you dont find enjoyable. Did you watch trailers before purchasing? Not sure what you might have been expecting. I always watch the trailer and a few play videos (not enough to spoil the game) just to see if it appeals.

    TLD is definitely not an action game or a horror survival. Its a survival strategy game. It's not about controller skills at all. Its about strategic thinking, patience, and resource management. And if you prefer to be with other people to have fun, this is not the game for you. The solitary nature of the games adds to the ambiance and challenge, but you really need to be comfortable with yourself (and I mean all on your own for hours) to really enjoy this game.

    When I play some of the big popular games it just seems like all chaotic movement and noise. I find it repetitive and boring. Locate, aim, shoot, loot. Locate, aim, shoot, loot. I used to play strategy shooters, loved being a sniper, but after a few years there was just no more challenge. The games were all the same with different scenery. And I have to listen to a bunch of people yelling and cursing and complaining. LoL Just not my thing at all.

    My favorite games have always been solo games. Building, resources management, horror, war strategy...I love them all but just like playing in solitude.

    As far as TLD, if opening boxes annoys you, play Interloper. Its almost never worth bothering to open them anyway. :)


  10. Timberwolf Mountain!

    This region has bountiful and renewable supplies and the caves are located in areas where there is enough wood and hunting to stay outside for days at a time. Not only does it have plenty of loot stashes (amount of loot dependent on your play level) but all types of animals are here; fish, rabbit, deer, wolf, and bear. And plenty of cattails. All the 6 food groups are represented here. LoL Plus, its close enough to PV to do some day runs for extra cloth or supplies. The only downside is that its a bit of a haul to get to the Riken for the Forge, but the trip makes for a nice change of pace while looting along the way.

    After TWM, my other favorite is Desolation Point, but I am also becoming quite fond of Bleak Inlet these days. :)



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  11. I actually have different sets of clothing I use in different circumstances. Just like RL, the same clothes don't make sense for every situation. I don't mind being extra heavy if I am warm enough to hunt or gather wood, or need added protection when killing wolves. I can set up a snow shelter to hunt from so I don't expect to go too far. If I am exploring a new area I like to stash the heavy gear and run light for a bit to get a feel for the area. If its super cold I like the bearskin coat over the Expedition jacket. If its a wolf infested area I use the wolfskin coat over the bear coat. It really just matters how fast I need to move for a given area balanced with average temps and available resources.

    And like ManicManiac said, it also depends on your play style. I usually play loper or voyager so also adapt for that.

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  12. I wasn't even sure if 4DON would happen this year, given the Covid situation. They have all been working super hard, and thank goodness for remote work options, but things are just slow when working in a pandemic. Even if we just a last year's set-up with different loot places I would be totally happy, but if can't happen this year I would be disappointed, but not salty about it.

  13. We are with you 100%

    Thank you for letting us know and for taking care of your employees/company the way that you do. Glad to hear everyone is safe and healthy and I hope that continues!

    TLD fans will continue to support you while we all work through these crazy times together. We would rather everyone be safe and wait until you have a product you are happy to share with us. :)


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  14. First of all, Thank You! We all needed a  break from the pandemic and this was a perfect way to shake off some of the monotony. And our break came at the expense of your team working harder, so thanks to everyone at Hinterland!

    I really enjoyed the challenges and found both badges to be achievable. I agree with those who have said it would be nice to adjust the difficulty settings.

    I found syrup consistently in several places so used the "start and quit" game strategy, but would really have liked to find them in fewer runs that were longer. So maybe a bit more availability.

    Lastly, it would be nice to see how many of each feast item I had consumed  (I sucked at keeping track on my own).



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  15. 41 minutes ago, kristaok said:

    I'm glad you think it's easy... for me it's hard... I don't even have a weapon to defend myself. 

    :) It's not totally easy for me either. I am not an interloper champ like some of the people here. I just like to play and have put lots of hours into the game, so I've gotten a wee bit better over time. And never worry about comparing yourself to anyone else! Above all, its just a game and games are meant to be fun! Totally does not matter how long, or how well we play...it only matters that we enjoy it. :)

  16. So you should still be ok! You need to play today. The day after the aurora wolves is the blizzard. That is day 4. Again, not sure where you are but it may not have started for you yet. Resume your game and look in that mission badge (next to where you look at back pack. It should tell you want day you are on.