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Everything posted by Balamute

  1. On the Cougar, I won't criticize it specifically, just simply say I see no reason to have the current implementation 'on' other than additional loot. The only other benefit to the gameplay seems to be additional torn clothes, which I can live without. But... the idea itself is brilliant: a threat outside the usual ecosystem, which forces the player to change behavior. I would suggest some ideas on a possible new implementation, what I personally would love to see to have, especially in the late game. Hope the devs read the following rant to the end and consider some points. While I typed the message, at least several ideas were expressed by others. Glad to have people of similar mind around. First, we already have an ecosystem, granted an imperfect one (since it gets boring in the late game). Now, we have an addition of a super-predator, the Cougar. Why it attacks the player specifically? Really no reason, since about the only cases when animals attack humans are: extreme hunger, rabies, defense of territory (in our new-ecosystem-to-be). There are easier and tastier kills for it. Now let the Cougar have these qualities: There are a number of Cougars in the world (3-5 animals) with a very long re-spawn time; All cougars are very aggressive toward any other wildlife, they hunt down everything they see so that the supply of meat in an area/region is depleted fast; Cougar can roam the region almost everywhere where there is any wildlife or a passage, but especially they like to block this or that important route to another area. No two cougars in the same region. once an area/region is depleted of animals (and/or free-lying player food stockpiles), the cougar simply migrates to another region and continues the slaughter/theft there if there is other prey, the cougar will actively avoid the player, especially if the player has a visible weapon all animals killed by Cougar have very little or zero meat/loot and will re-spawn only after the cougar leaves the region and very slowly at that. the cougar can be spotted and hunted but when it avoids the player, it is very alert, agile and constantly changes course to avoid being shot at; if it hunts the player, it is still possible to shoot it as it approaches, but it is really hard (a very fast, zigzagging target, maybe even deliberate use of obstacles as a shield from bullets) if there is no prey in the region, and the player is in the region, the Cougar tries to kill the Player or failing that it will steal edible resources stored in the open. Cougar is immune to blizzard and can attack any time. It does not bleed to death, only temporarily to leave visible trail. Cougar kills everything as it eats through a region, including Bear and Moose, but it can be injured during these two kills. Yes, this is a mutant sabre-tooth cougar, it can take on a bear. the player always smells for a Cougar (a walking piece of meat!) so it is can potentially be sniped only at extreme distances if a player hauls edible loot (from a carcass or from a fishing hut) and is encumbered, there is a special encounter: cougar tries to jump from behind, and if successful, there is no struggle, limited injuries and damage to the clothes, but the player is knocked out cold for a time (at least an hour) and all raw meat/fish is stolen from him. if the player suddenly 'disappears' into a building or a hunters blind, or is inaccessible in any other way (climbs a tree/rock/bridge/etc) the Cougar will flee with every possible anti-bullet maneuver So in the described case, the player is forced to hunt down the Cougar or be deprived of food. But it should be a fair fight between two super-predators with marginally equal chances. It should not be a scripted event (honestly, scripted events are generally boring in the extreme). In other words, the Cougar is a very serious threat, but (normally) not to the player directly , rather to the very ecosystem which supports the player. As to the 'struggle' mechanics... in the described hypothetical 'new' system it should also be changed. For example, like this: first 'normal' 'cougar struggles' (goal is to inflict as much damage to the thing as possible) and than an attempted shot (goal is to do an addition damage, but never a kill -- too easy). In the aftermath of an encounter we should have a weakened, wounded, version of Cougar (never a dead version though!) which tries to flee the region (option: reach its lair) and a wounded player tries to hunt it down and put at least one bullet into it. In this state the cougar is much slower and weaker, it is less agile and is much easier to shoot at. Also there are 3 ways to get a "wounded cougar": as a result of 'struggle' with a subsequent 'after-struggle' free shot (controls amount of damage done), OR with a lucky head-shot before 'struggle' , OR as a result of an encounter of cougar with a bear or a moose. In the latter two cases the cougar will try to flee the player without 'struggle'. In the third case, it tries to hide in a lair and not necessary to flee the region. Hope some of the above is useful... Do make this thing fun, it just asks for it! BTW please do something with the icons (cougar threat and "afterlifes"), put them away somewhere in the corner smallish-wise or something. Or still better, make them switchable.
  2. Hi mfuegemann! Ah, I see now why the support are silent. Indeed the only annoyance would be the feats, and the challenges I will probably do all over again. On the saves I've send a private message. Thanks!
  3. Hi all! I've not played TLD since 2019 but I've bought the recent DLC and decided to return to the game... ... and notice that all my old progress (feats/challanges) is lost. Old saves also. No big deal in itself, but this also means I have no possibility to use my feats when starting a new survival game. In Steam I have some 713 hours and 48/56 achievements are unlocked, i.e. theoretically most of my progress can be justifiably restored from steam information. I am pretty sure I did not do 4DON and Darkwalker but the earlier ones are completed. Would not want to grind for what was done already once again. I wrote to the support more than a week ago and still no reply aside from an automated message that the request is received. What normally would be response time? Can they restore my progress?