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Posts posted by epower

  1. Been away from TLD for several years so with the release of TFTFT, I thought it high time I posted another one of these.

    Attached (3 files) you will find screens of difficulty settings for all 4 levels of the Long Dark.

    Apologies for the png format and slightly fuzzy visuals.  My last posting of this type... Good God, 4 years ago today... allowed me to attach Excel files.  Alas, the forum now forbids spreadsheet attachments.

    Like Santa, I've checked this twice but errors are always possible.  Please alert me if I mistyped anything.

    Happy Customizing!

    p.s. When did the Wolf Spawn Distance on Voyageur change to Close?   #evil







    • Upvote 4
  2. Thank you @codyh for taking the time to start this most interesting discussion.  Many good points.  I'll address three that immediately jumped out at me as potential game-changers.

    1. All gear present on lower availability levels , albeit at 1-2%.  Even now the joy of that second thin wool sweater, or pair of wool sock is profound.  I can only imagine the thrill of finding a real knife or wool long johns.

    2. A highly degradable, makeshift knife or hatchet craft able at a workbench.  Makes good sense and would allow crafting a wolf coat without visiting the forge.

    3. Low wildlife respawn rate.   Predators being both foe and food.

    Coincidentally, I've been playing with custom settings (modified interloper-ish) for some time now.  In an effort to make hunting more challenging, I've set 'Time to Wildlife Respawn' to Very High and 'Wildlife Detection Range' to Far.  Also, I have a House Rule that rabbits must be shot or snared.  None of this rock throwing nonsense 😉  Full disclosure:  I do have Rifle and Revolver available, and on that subject I think Great Bear Island should be nicknamed Golden Gun Nut Island.  Waaaay too much Ammo strewn everywhere!   

    But I digress...

    No data yet on how the low respawn rate will play out long term (100 days plus) as my last two characters caught the proverbial 'wolf in the face,' crossing over a hill around day 60-75.  Perhaps others using this setting in a longer run can chime in here.

    Finally, to your major balance issue, energy and condition, there is a potential solution:  Sleepwalking.  See thread HERE

    Waking recovery = low.  No at rest recovery allowed.  If you really want to get nasty, set Birch Bark Tea to "No."


  3. In Errant Pilgrim Rifle cartridges and firearm cleaning kits appear to be unavailable on custom low resource settings although the odd rifle and revolver do show up.  In 1.67 both ammunition and cleaning kits were plentiful.  Perhaps too plentiful IMHO but that's another conversation...

    Is this change intentional and intended to compel a visit to Bleak Inlet or a bug?  I submitted a ticket on this issue but thought I'd ask here.

    Thanks again for this awesome game.  Hope all at Hinterland are well-rested and ready to continue their great work.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Dominique said:

    It should make the ammos scarcer but still be available.

    I agree.  As I mentioned I was awash in rifle cartridges in 1.67.  In addition to the 18  collected or fired I may have also stashed an additional box of 10 at the Dam trailer.  Alas, that character is recovering from a recent wolf assault in Milton so checking on that is not gonna happen anytime soon, especially with Sleepwalker recovery settings.   

    I'd like to see around 10-20 rifle cartridges in the entire world on low custom settings.  I'd be ok with less but I do prefer the rifle for hunting large game since pumping arrows into a charging Bullwinkle is most terrifying.  Oddly, I've never found loose revolver shells, only the 2 that were already loaded in the weapons.

    FWIW, I don't believe this is working as intended especially as firearm cleaning kits are also missing.  Errant Pilgrim was a massive update and some bugs are likely to sneak thru.  Time will tell.

  5. Going to report this as a bug.  Cleaned out PV (in addition to Milton, DP, CH  and ML) and not a single round of ammo or firearm cleaning kit to be found.  By contrast my character from 1.67 with identical resource settings and PV, CH, ML plus Milton explored has 18 rifle cartridges and several firearm cleaning kits. 

    As a test I fired up another custom character with the same ultra-low resource settings but passive wildlife and nicer weather to aid quick exploration.  Same deal. Rifle found but no ammo or firearm cleaning kits in ML, CH, PV. 

    Intended or not, there's been a major change in regard to Ammunition and firearm cleaning kit availability since the Errant Pilgrim update.


  6. 11 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    You sure you had low baseline? Because I remember trying with "Rifles" on before, and certainly didn't find any rifle related stuff.

    Yes.  Absolutely.  I always select interloper on the custom screen these slide it over to Custom then make a few adjustments to taste (modified SW4)

    I'll need to clean out PV and TM before I can make any definitive judgements but it seems like somethings different in Errant pilgrim.  Time will tell.

  7. Interesting. 

    25 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:

    Means it's using interloper loot tables, which would mean no rifle (and probably no rifle ammo), period, and apparently only a very low chance to find a revolver, and a very low chance to find ammunition, which I so far have found on standard interloper, in HRV to be exact.

    Interesting.  It hasn't worked that way in my pre- Errant Pilgrim custom low resource runs.  There I was practically drowning in rifle ammunition  (15-20 rounds.  some in boxes many loose)  Never have found loose revolver ammo before or currently but that's another conversation.

    In both past (pre-1.67) and current runs I've found rifles and revolvers.  Something seems to have changed as I haven't a single rifle cartridge or firearm cleaning kit. 


  8. Playing a custom Sleepwalker 4 variant with low resource availability but with Rifle and Revolver checked "yes" in the settings.

    To date I've scoured Mystery Lake, Milton, CH and DP and found not a single stray round of either rifle or Revolver Ammo.  I did find two revolvers with 2 rounds each and an empty rifle.

    Three possibilities:

    1. I am despised by the RNG Gods
    2. Bug
    3. By design

    Anybody else noticing this on low resource level custom games?  I'm going to hit PV and Timberwolf next and will report back.


  9. WTG,  @BareSkin you are certainly living true to your name... or you will be on Day 31.  B|  As always the tales of your exploits inspire and entertain.  

    If you want to know the breakdown of various difficulty settings, click the link in my signature. 

    Stay warm!

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