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Posts posted by Deseoso

  1. I didn't know if this should go in General or Technical but anyway, here it is.

    I am trying to get my fire lighting skill up to max. I spent ages collecting a bunch of matches, making 100 tinder plugs, collecting 100 sticks and I have a bunch of accellerant just to make life easier. So I go out to a cave and I light a fire with one stick and another next to that one and another and so on and so forth until I have about 10 fires going. That way every time I finish lighting one another one has just gone out so I should be able to just keep lighting fires until my skill is at max.


    At least that was the theory but so far I have tried this 3 times and every time I can only light about 20-30 fires before the game crashes. Why is this happening? Is the fire starting animation so CPU or GPU intensive? I don't get it.

    My computer specs: CPU: Intel Core i7 8700, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070, Memory: 16 Gb DDR4

    It isn't the best computer in the world but it is by no means the slowest either.

  2. I noticed that you get XP in this skill both from lighting a fire with or without an accelerant. What I cannot tell is if you get more XP from lighting a fire without using an accelerant than you do if you use one. Can anyone confirm if this is true?

  3. I am hoping if someone can confirm that my understanding of how skill improvements work or clarify if I am incorrect in my thinking. If we take the mending skill for example, am I correct in assuming that each level requires more of the skill to be used than the previous level, i.e. you can repair clothing 30 times to get to level 2 but need to repair clothing 90 times to get from level 4 to level 5. (I doubt the numbers I have used are accurate, they are just an example)


    If I am correct in my thinking then would I also be right in assuming that any skill books found would be better to save until your skill is at a higher level as the higher levels are the hardest to achieve and thus it would be better to use the skill books then to help you increase the higher levels faster?

  4. Okay, I'll hold my hands up and say that I feel better about the release of the DLC now. I was not aware that there was a second team working on the DLC. I was picturing that they had put all the work on Chapter 5 on hold so they could produce something else that they could charge us for. I am glad to have it clarified that that is not the case. I was dreading that this was going to be another repeat of The Gallery games, Call of the Starseed and Heart of the Emberstone. If you are not familiar with them, they are two of the best VR games I ever played but they were part one and part two of a trilogy story that the developers never bothered to finish in favor of working on a completely different project with no intention to ever finish the story they started.


    Hearing that they are still working on chapter 5 has changed my mind and I probably will pick up the DLC because Hinterland have always produced very high quality content. I'm sure the DLC won't disappoint and will hopefully tide us over until Chapter 5 is finished. Thanks for the clarification.

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  5. I have to say I am a little annoyed. I find it rather cheeky that you bring out an expansion that you expect people to pay for when you haven't completed the base game that we have all already paid for. When I saw that the expansion was out I reinstalled TLD thinking I could finally play episode 5. I was very surprised to still see the message that it will be unlockable in the future. I don't know about other players but I point blank refuse to pay money for an expansion to a game that you haven't completed yet.


    Imagine if Peter Jackson had made The Fellowship of the Ring and then The Two Towers but then decided, "Ah, can't be bothered to make Return of the King. Lets make part one of The Hobbit instead." I guarantee people would have been rightfully angry and many would simply refuse to go see his new film until he finished Lord of the Rings.


    When can we expect the game that we already paid for to finally be finished?

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  6. Any chance they fixed the broken Faithful Cartographer achievement in this update? I am finally down to my last 3 achievements to get but the Faithful Cartographer was such a long slog to get. It is so annoying to get so close and be stopped because of a few non-existant locations in Mystery Lake.


  7. Basically, now I just need to solve the third Blackrock rumor and I will have the final storyline achievement. I simply cannot find it though. A Riddle Amongst the Shadows is one of the rumors. It is the Wind Talkers plan. I needed that as well but I am now just stuck trying to find the final Blackrock rumor.

  8. @SpanishMossWhen you say the preppers cache, are you talking about something other than the room of supplies in the mine. I found that along with a note in the backpack there but it doesn't seem to lead anywhere. Or is there a preppers cache in a bunker like the one you find in episode 2 found at Forlorn Muskeg?

  9. I have completed the Blackrock rumours, "An employee is late and now missing" and "An aggressive wolf is stalking the region". I need one more but cannot find the note that starts the ball rolling on the third rumour. Can someone point out where I find the third note?

    Actually, while I am asking about episode 4, the other thing I need to find is where to uncover what the latest Forest Talker plans are. I already completed episode 4 but I am doing it again to try and get these two final achievements that I missed the first time around.


  10. Perfect, thanks for this. I guess the Living Off the Land achievement will eventually work out. I'll just keep on eating stuff I can gather in the wild as I go for the Silent Hunter achievement. I'm only 13 days away from that one.

    Interesting. Three of the hidden achievements that I am missing are in Episode 4 which is good. I need to find all the bloody pages, figure out the latest Forest Talker plans and learn the truth about the 3 Blackrock rumours. I guess I rushed Episode 4 a bit when I did it.

    I will have to go back and do Episode 1 and 2 again though as the final achievement I am missing is that I need to find all the Forest Talker caches from those episodes.

    Thanks for your help.

  11. Okay so I only have 8 achievements left to get. 4 of them are visible and 4 say hidden achievements. I totally do not understand the 4 hidden ones as it says that they will be revealed once unlocked but it doesn't say how I am supposed to unlock them. What do I just have to wander around aimlessly hoping to stumble into whatever triggers them?

    As 4 the 4 known achievements, the one that is confusing me is Living Off the Land. It says that I need to eat only calories harvested from wild plants and animals for the 25 consecutive days. The thing is, I am already 37 days into the game and I have so far only eaten meat harvested from rabbits, wolves, deer, bear and the stalks of cat tail plants. I have not eaten one single bit of packaged food. I also haven't drunk any tea or coffee. I know the achievements are working as I just finally managed to get the Exploration Game achievement. Anyone else have problems with the Living Off the Land achievement.

    Up until now I have only used a bow in the game and when I look at the Silent Hunter achievement it shows that I am 37/50 so it is obviously working but the Living Off the Land achievement is showing 15/25 which is how many days I managed to live off the land in my last survival game. I don't know why it isn't counting my current game.

  12. So the only places left for me to map for the Faithful Cartographer achievement, according to the in game list, are "To Cave System" and 6 items on the list that all say, "Possible Old Bear Location".

    I looked up another discussion and found that this seems to be a bug. Does that mean that I now cannot get the Faithful Cartographer achievement?

  13. I got lots of the achievments but new ones do not seem to be possible. When I look at my achievements on Steam it shows all the ones I have gotten and ones that I have not yet achieved.

    At the top of the list of achievements there are 3 that also show how far along I am with them. One is the achievement awarded for only eating calories harvested in the wild for 25 days. On my Steam achievements it shows 16 days out of 25 complete but that is from a previous game but hasn't recognised my current game in which I am on my 21st day and have only eaten meat from wolves, rabbit and deer and the stalks from cat tails.

    I also never got the Cartographer achievement despite having mapped every location on the list for the achievement in my last game. 

    Same thing goes for the achievement that is awarded for visiting every inside location in Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway in a single game. I did it in my last game and again now in this game and still haven't been given the achievement.


    I was wondering if it would be possible to get an option in the settings to unlock all the maps?

    I liked the current method for mapping the game but I am now playing probably my 15th or 20th  survival game and the truth is I have simply lost interest in mapping the entire game all over again.

    Originally I mapped the entire game for the faithful cartographer achievement but I've now given up with the achievments as they simply don't work anymore.

    My suggestion would be either an option in the settings to completely unlock the maps  or make an option that if ticked will cause the maps to be shared across different games.

  15. Okay so if anyone has this issue but hasn't figured out how to solve it, I found a workaround. If you brake your ribs in the game and you used the bandages and painkillers and rested for 119 of the hours but the game won't recognize the final hour of rest, the solution is to use one more bandage and that will heal the broken rib. The game doesn't tell you that you need to do that but it works.

  16. Anyone had this issue. I got stomped by a moose over a week ago in game. I used the bandages and the painkillers and I rested up for well over the 120 hours but it went all the way down to me needing 1 hour of rest and now it is stuck at 1 hour to go regardless of how many hours I rest for. It is annoying as you cannot climb a rope with a broken rib.



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  17. I am sorry but Mackenzie's demeanor has very little to do with it. You are talking about a life and death survival situation. I would hate to hill someone but believe me if I am backed into a corner by a bunch of prisoners, one who has an axe and I have a hunting rifle, you can be pretty sure I am going to use it. Besides, I am not proposing anything. I wasn't suggesting that they turn this into a big shooter game. What I was suggesting is that the developers put in some kind of story line reason that makes Mackenzie lose all his guns and equipment during the final prison scene. Good game development is making a player think he can do what he wants but use story line to direct them where they should be going. 

    If you give a player a gun in a game but then put them into a situation where it would be perfectly understandable for a player to choose to use it only the developer simply prevents you from using it by making the enemy invincible, it totally blows the sense of realism away.

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