Looking out cabin windows


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It would be so fantastic to watch the outdoors from inside a cabin. Simular to the view from forestry outlook. Traper cabin is great but feels like a cell with no view. It would be great to watch the weather, sky, and animals from the cabin before you head out. Prefer not to load into cabins. If this is a must maybe add a porch attached you can access simular to the forestry outlook with out the loading and abe to look out the windows on outdoor actions.

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Yeah, I tend to just sit around inside. Just wanted something more to do in there. Having a heads up of what is going on outside makes it more appealing to venture out. Also fun to watch the environment play out. At minimum having a way to read outdoor temperature or wind. Not sure if the howling noise inside actually represent the outside wind at that time. Could be a nice feature.

Anyhow thanks for the reply!

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Since there are loading screens i would assumed its a different area/map and difficult to program in. I would honestly prefer them to focus on gameplay than to view through a window. It could be beautiful, but i imagine it is a very difficult task.

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