Impossibly long fire

jeremiah johnson

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I'm fairly certain this was addressed in the latest update and is not that big of a deal as it does not seem to effect game play, but under my stats it still says that my longest burning fire is 10080 hours which equates to 420 days. I checked and did not see this issue anywhere else. However I did see something in the latest update about longest fire.

Thank you! !

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Don't quote me on this but I'm sure I read somewhere that those stats are actually seconds and not hours and might've been addressed in .302 or whatever the latest hotfix is. I would try to do the math but after a bottle of wine I think I'll leave that for the sober people :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Support

This was addressed in v.302 - it was recording it in seconds, which of course caused the numbers to be inflated. Your stats should now show the correct time, even if you generated the stats before v.302.

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