150+ Day Saved Game Disappears


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So I was playing on stalker mode at around 155 days moving from Timberwolf Mountain back to Desolation Point to craft arrows. I had spent 1 day in Pleasant Valley at the Homestead to retrieve a hammer and some coal for the forge. I had only 7 hours of daylight left when I departed the little cottage near Coastal Highway in Pleasant Valley due to a blizzard for the first half of the day. When I entered Coastal Highway from Pleasant Valley, I went left and used a flare to get past the band of wolves that roams around the lookout. I proceeded to follow the trail down until it turned back right, then I got off the trail to the left. I came down to the blue trailer with a bear hanging out around it. I decided that I wasn't going to be able to make it the rest of the way to my base in Coastal Town with the remaining light, my fatigue, and the heavy fog that had set. I rested in the blue trailer for the night. Early the next morning, I departed once again. Somewhere shortly after leaving that trailer the game went dark. I couldn't get a response from my computer. I had to power off my computer via pulling the cord out of the wall to get a response. When I reloaded the game, there was no saved game. I put a lot of work into that... was having a great time on Timberwolf Mountain. I don't know that I can start over again... god why?!

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Also the reason I was going to desolation point in the first place is because I was losing all my arrows to glitching in timberwolf mountain. I would shoot a deer or a bear with an arrow and when it died wit would fall on the side of the arrow and the arrow would become irretrievable even after the animals body disappeared.

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