V. 301 2 weird wolf behaviours


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I noticed two weird wolf behaviours:


I was attacked by a wolf near ML the lake itself and won that battle. The wolf ran away bleeding in the direction of the lake. I was following it until I had to sleep for a while as my fatigue was running low. When I woke up the blood trail was gone and there were 3 wolves on the lake (as usual). I couldn't find the limping wolf :-(


Walking from ML the lake itself to the camp office I saw a wolf patrolling in front of the camp office in the direction of the lake and already close to the lake. I went back a few steps and fluffy disappeared. Gone too were the cattails that grow at the lake's banks (I think I remember that this is a known bug of the Unity engine. I went closer again and fluffy had really disappeared. At least the cattails were coming back into my sight. Fluffy couldn't have gone too far as I lost track of it only a couple of seconds.

Those two incidents are very odd. I could explain #1 meaning that fluffy not always dies after hitting it hard with the knife (maybe changes after an update). But I can't explain myself #2.

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#1 - The game reset stuff when you're snoozing. For example. A bear is outside my car. I snooze for an hour, and it's gone. Pretty sure a bear wouldn't just disappear in one hour. More like, it would smash through the car and tackle me in my sleep.

#2 - Confused. Not really sure what you were doing or seeing. The game draws very long distances, and kept track of things in "view" from experience. Fluffy is a nickname giving to the wolf in Hydro Dam, so stop calling every wolves you come across as Fluffy =/

Fluffy should be tameable. I would like to have a companion (a dog/wolf) in this long dark. Dying alone is cold. Plus a dog/wolf can track and hunt.

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#1 - The game reset stuff when you're snoozing. For example. A bear is outside my car. I snooze for an hour, and it's gone. Pretty sure a bear wouldn't just disappear in one hour. More like, it would smash through the car and tackle me in my sleep.

Thanks for your hints. I think I have to disagree with what you wrote. In earlier versions, when I hit a wolf or dear, they even died after taking a nap myself. But you might be right that an update had changed that wildlife behaviour.

#2 - Confused. Not really sure what you were doing or seeing. The game draws very long distances, and kept track of things in "view" from experience. Fluffy is a nickname giving to the wolf in Hydro Dam, so stop calling every wolves you come across as Fluffy =/

In my game it doesn’t draw everything as far I can look. In my case I stood on Mystery Lake looking to the Camp Office. There is cattail on each side of the lake but I can’t see the cattail at the end of the lake in the direction of the Camp Office. However in this particular case I could see a wolf almost on the lake but still on the bank. I went back - and forth again (cattails appearing) and the wolf was gone.

Why only the wolf in Carter Hydro Dam is called Fluffy is new to me. I like the name for it anyway and I can see that you still understood very good what my concern is.

Fluffy should be tameable. I would like to have a companion (a dog/wolf) in this long dark. Dying alone is cold. Plus a dog/wolf can track and hunt.


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