Hello from balmy New England

Leo Atrox

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Two days to Christmas, and nearly 60 degrees outside. I haven't even turned on the heat in my apartment yet.

Vitals: Male. Average height. Old enough to have seen the Star Wars in theaters when Han shot first. College educated. Office job.

Survival sim experience: The Oregon Trail in my elementary school's computer room. A ton of PC games since then, but not a lot of survival sims like this one.

Real-world outdoors experience: Not much. The typical New England camping & fishing trips as a kid, swimming, biking and hiking in Summer. No military experience or anything like that. I'm alright with tools, but if you hand me a gun you better make sure it's empty first. :lol: I do love watching Stroud and Grylls on television. I like to think I've learned something from them, but it's never been put to the test.

In The Long Dark: I split my time between Pilgrim and Voyager. Longest run is something like 60 days. Stupidest death was food poisoning from accidentally eating uncooked rabbit. Best view was probably Signal Hill on a very clear day. Just found Timberwolf Mountain last night, but got caught in a blizzard. Couldn't see [stuff], so I camped next to a big rock and called it quits for the night.

Media I've dug lately: Civilization V; Ex Machina; Jessica Jones; "Sound and Color" by Alabama Shakes; "Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time, Period" by W. Kamau Bell and Kevin Avery; Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke.

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Hey Leo, thanks for that great introduction.

I am also a child of The Oregon Trail. We had computer lab once a week in my school, and we'd all rush to be the first to grab one of the few floppy disc copies of the game. The unfortunate few left out ended up with Wheel of Fortune. Hard times back then, my friend.

Great to have you hear, and looking forward to hearing more about your experience with The Long Dark. Welcome!

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