#3062 - v.282 Save game lost after Xbox sleep mode


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Apologies if this has been mentioned before - I couldn't find any other topics about it, but please point me in the right direction if it does already exist.

I was one of the Xbox One users who suffered from lost saves and saves reverting back to older saves whilst using v.281. So when v.282 was released I was excited/relieved.

I began by uninstalling the game and deleting my save files from both my Xbox One and the cloud. Somewhat cautiously, I began a new game. I would do little things and save often, far too worried to do anything major or invest a large amount of time in the game. The game seemed to be saving fine.

Over the course of 2 or 3 days I successfully went back to my save game and continued where I had left off. It also happened to be the best experience of the game I have had so far. My base camp had pelts, hides and guts everywhere, at various different stages of progress. I was so close to being able to make my first ever item of clothing...

Then whilst playing the game I had to deal with a real life situation that required me to leave the room. I paused and went to deal with it, not having the time to save/or being in a place where I could save (not that it would have mattered much, as I found out).

When I came back to the Xbox I found it had turned itself off due to inactivity. Upon turning it back on I had to launch The Long Dark again and to my dismay there was no trace of my save, not even an earlier version from my last save point. Completely gone.

Has anyone else suffered from the same situation? I know people will say, "just don't let your Xbox go into sleep mode", but it's not always as simple as that, especially if you're required to deal with something urgently.

As I say, I wouldn't have minded if it had reverted back to the last time I had saved the game, that would have made sense. But to lose the entire save was so frustrating. I can't really commit to starting a new game until this issue has been addressed, which is a real shame.


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