#2937 - v.282 You died from massive internal injuries


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So yeah, i was walking down this not so surge hill as suddenly, the game took the familiar 0.2 second freeze. I thought i had strained leg, but instead a message saying "You died from massive internal injuries" popped up. I mean yeah, i got some overweight and if i was to trip over and roll down the hill, smashing my chest on a tree it would make some serious damage but it just couldn't be fatal in real life.

As i said, the hill was not very surge and when i get back there, i will take a screenshot of it

I think the spot was one of the starting points, the loggers cabins were very nearby.

Is there game logs anywhere i can pick them up and paste here?

Warmth = 100%

Sleepyness = 75-100%

Hunger: 0%, starving

Water: 75-100%

Weather: Clear, a bit snowing daylight, feeling like 3 celsius

Weight: 32-35kg

Difficulty: Stalker

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There are a few known bug locations being fixed where this happens including one near the Trapper's Homestead rock, and a couple on hills near the log loading area and near the big clearcut area.

We would need an F8 screenshot or the coordinates showing the nearby area in order to check whether it's one already being fixed, or whether it's one we've missed. If you convert the screenshot file to a jpg, you can attach it to a post.

Thank You :)

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Dear support,

Simply wanted to advise you that I ran into the same problem yesterday night.

I was well into my 42nd day, moving gear from "Train Unloading Area" (Coastal Highway Map) to the "Abandoned Mine" (leading to Pleasant Valley), and unfortunately, it was late and I made the bad call to take a "shortcut" through the mountains.

I managed to skim the ledges, I was approaching the top of the fall between locations, I then jumped about 2-3 feet, landed on the ledge, didn't visibly fall, then immediately died from massive internal injuries. My bad I guess, should've gone the safe way using the trail coming down from the "Train Unloading Area".

My condition was 100%, No injuries.

Carrying about 31-33 on 30 lbs. of gear.

All stats above 80% (Thirst, Hunger, Fatigue, etc).

I have included a JPG showing roughly the are where I died.

Let me know if you believe this was a bug, cause I'm pretty sure I ddin't fall at all.

Great game by the way, the only game I've been playing this pass year!!

Very best, Grizzly


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