starting equipment


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i wasnt sure if i should put this topic in the feedback or the wish list sections, so i hope its in the right place

but i think that the basic starting equipment makes your first night too simple. giving you a flare, a bedroll, matches, etc, is too unrealistic in my opinion. like, if someone crashed their plane in the wilderness they wouldnt have a bedroll on their back or a flare on hand. they'd most likely have just whatever clothes were on their back and whatever is in their pocket, being a pocket knife or a book of matches, but thats about it.

however, having the ability to loot your crashed plane would really fix this. for example, you start off beside the wreckage with absolutely nothing except your clothes, and you can get into whats left of your plane and loot the emergency supplies along with what your character had for his trip. maybe a bottle of water or thermos of coffee or energy bar or whatever. but sometimes, your plane could be stuck high up in trees or on an unclimbable hill, making it unreachable and forcing you to survive the first night without the usual starting equipment.

i just think that starting off on the hardest skill with a bottle of painkillers, flare, candy bar, bedroll and matches in a backpack isnt realistic at all, and realism is what i personally strive for and crave when playing these kinda games :)

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Whether it's realistic or not depends on how you look at it.

Pilots are required by law to have an emergency kit in the plane where they can easily reach it in case they crash in the wilderness. Anyone with a measure of good sense would include items like firestarters, painkillers, some high caloric none degrading food and a bedroll in it. So unless you crash your plane and are somehow thrown from the wreckage before it crashes you would have those items at hand after you crashed.

The fact that there is no plane has been discussed over and over again on the forum since way before I became a member. If Hinterland was going to add it to the sandbox they would have done so by now, so I would not keep my hopes up. The best thing to hope for is that the plane will be in the story mode and it will get added to the sandbox once story mode is released. And without the plane, having the items on you when you start is about the only solution.

I just think of it this way: I crashed my plane, climbed out of it with all gear I could salvage and have walked away still dazed from the crash. At this point you start to play a new sandbox game.

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That's the way I look at it :P

But I guess that my whole point is that having the plane would be a much more realistic feel, as opposed to starting off with all your survival gear already on hand. And the random chance that you could have absolutely no starting supplies would give it a much funner true survival feel. Maybe also starting off wounded. Best case being a sprained ankle or wrist, worst case being at 40 percent bleeding from your leg. This would make your first night a LOT harder to survive, but the game is meant to be hard. :)

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