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Using a rifle is easy enough and straight forward.. you aim, you shoot..done.

Using a bow on the other hand..well a bit pain in the a**.

I know, in real life you don't have a crosshair of any kind, but you also don' look at the bow/arrow while aiming from the angle you do it in TLD.

You simply have no idea where the aim is.

Would be a nice feature to implement some sort of shooting skill mechanic.

As the skill increases, not only your bow stops moving around so much while aiming, but you also get some sort of crosshair. Does not have to be a real/usual crosshair, but something like wide, bright circle which will get narrower as your skill increases.



Different types of bows would also be a nice feature, one that we already have and one made from harder, longer wood for killing bigger pray and from a bigger distance.

Personally, I prefer a bow over a gun. It's silent, clean and more fun to use. Only time I use a gun in TLD is to defend myself from a bear.

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Using a rifle is easy enough and straight forward.. you aim, you shoot..done.

Using a bow on the other hand..well a bit pain in the a**.

I know, in real life you don't have a crosshair of any kind, but you also don' look at the bow/arrow while aiming from the angle you do it in TLD.

You simply have no idea where the aim is.

Would be a nice feature to implement some sort of shooting skill mechanic.

As the skill increases, not only your bow stops moving around so much while aiming, but you also get some sort of crosshair. Does not have to be a real/usual crosshair, but something like wide, bright circle which will get narrower as your skill increases.



Different types of bows would also be a nice feature, one that we already have and one made from harder, longer wood for killing bigger pray and from a bigger distance.

Personally, I prefer a bow over a gun. It's silent, clean and more fun to use. Only time I use a gun in TLD is to defend myself from a bear.

+1 Different types of bows (I'd also like to see a shotgun myself, in that it may spawn in place of a rifle, not in addition to.)

I was thinking compound bow or crossbow (Like Daryl Dixon) :D

Some way to aim (reticule) would be nice and I think the sway is less when you aren't fatigued. I hit more shots rested than not (but still a bad shot and I lose a lot of arrows).

Also, I don't hunt IRL so I may not be making a lot of real world sense.

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+1 Different types of bows (I'd also like to see a shotgun myself, in that it may spawn in place of a rifle, not in addition to.)

I was thinking compound bow or crossbow (Like Daryl Dixon) :D

Some way to aim (reticule) would be nice and I think the sway is less when you aren't fatigued. I hit more shots rested than not (but still a bad shot and I lose a lot of arrows).

Also, I don't hunt IRL so I may not be making a lot of real world sense.

Well, there really is no need for a shotgun. It's a survival simulation game, not a zombie apocalypse slaughterhouse :)

Making a crossbow requires certain type of skillset, specialized tools and a lot of time. Again, no need for that weapon either. Compound bow... that's just silly :)

On the other hand, some sort of a longbow, made from a different type of wood, would be a nice addition.

It would have a bit better accuracy (again depending on your archery skill), and much longer range than a small makeshift bow we now have in the game.

That would also require reworking of the wild animals in the game, making them spot you from a longer distance, have better hearing, run faster and be in smaller numbers than they are now.

We already can kill all of them with that simple bow.

An enhanced bow would be great addition, but the animals would have to be reworked so that you are able to kill one of them only by stalking them for a long time, and waiting for a perfect moment.

If animals were to be reworked in such way, then the sniper scope would actually be welcomed addition.

Now we don't need that either, you can simply walk right close to the deer, stop, aim and kill it (not fun at all).

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+1 Different types of bows (I'd also like to see a shotgun myself, in that it may spawn in place of a rifle, not in addition to.)

I was thinking compound bow or crossbow (Like Daryl Dixon) :D

Some way to aim (reticule) would be nice and I think the sway is less when you aren't fatigued. I hit more shots rested than not (but still a bad shot and I lose a lot of arrows).

Also, I don't hunt IRL so I may not be making a lot of real world sense.

Well, there really is no need for a shotgun. It's a survival simulation game, not a zombie apocalypse slaughterhouse :)

Making a crossbow requires certain type of skillset, specialized tools and a lot of time. Again, no need for that weapon either. Compound bow... that's just silly :)

Shotguns have been used to hunt for years, its not only a zombie killing weapon. This is in contrast to long range kills, rifle (long range) vs shotgun (close). I think a different set of weapons that could spawn increase replay value, at least in sandbox mode. Wolves get in close and I've had deer and rabbit get pretty close to me as well.

Secondly, I never said make a crossbow, again, In place of the bow itself not in addition to the bow we have now. As for the scope, well, "that's just silly" this is a survival simulation, not CoD or Halo.

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Secondly, I never said make a crossbow, again, In place of the bow itself not in addition to the bow we have now. As for the scope, well, "that's just silly" this is a survival simulation, not CoD or Halo.

Yeah, this is survival simulation, and you'll end up finding simple sniper scope in real life (if it were post apocalypse time) more often and in greater numbers, than crossbows and other types of bows.

I've also mentioned reworking of the wild animals, which would make them really, really hard to kill with a bow, and pretty hard to kill with a gun if you have no scope, and that is reality, that is how you hunt in real life. Not by walking to a rabbit or a deer, and unloading whole shotgun on them, but by waiting, hiding, planing and stalking.

No, this is not CoD od Halo, and thank got for that, but it is survival simulation, WITH HUNTING.

I spend weeks in the Bosnian mountains during the winter each year, bushcrafting, foraging and hunting, and I kinda know what I'm talking about when it comes to reality and conversion of that feeling/atmosphere into the game.

So yeah, a simple, low level magnification scope would be of use, and would enhance the atmosphere itself and that feeling you have when hunting.

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