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On the Voyageur difficulty, (this also may apply to the other difficulties as well) the rate at which food is consumed is very unrealistic. How?

EXAMPLE: I harvested a wolf's raw meat. The meat portions weigh =/- 1 lb. each. If my hunger meter is low, I'd have to consume more than 3 lbs. of meat to become full. What is wrong with this?

In real life, I've actually consumed 1 lb. of meat all at once in the form of a Quadruple (a Wendy's sandwich containing FOUR 1/4 lb. hamburger patties. It was a beast of a sandwich to consume! A second example is my consuming the Meat Mountain (i.e. a sandwich from Arby's containing EVERY type of meat available on the menu including a chicken patty, all placed on a single sandwich....a "hidden" menu item). My point? Literally consuming 1 lb. of meat at one time makes a person's stomach have the sensation of being full almost immediately, without having to drink any water.

In game, the player's character is able to consume pound after pound of meat and not be full. Regardless of calorie intake from something, the stomach would get the sensation of feeling full once a certain volume of food is consumed, regardless of calorie intake.

There is no system in place to literally gauge the stomach becoming "full". Currently, it is only considered full because of the calorie meter maxing out at around 2000+ calories.

Please, kindly make the food consumption experience more real to life. Why? You go through food super fast because the stomach in the game does not get full based on quantity of food (like in real life) but only once a calorie count is reached.


If you harvest meat from a 14 lb. deer, that meat should last you not for 2 days in-game (beast of the "bottomless pit" of your stomach and desiring to be "full") but instead, that is enough meet to last anywhere from a week.


You should be limited to consuming anywhere from quantities one to two pounds of food at any single meal. Once done, depending on what is consumed (meat, for example), it should affect the fatigue level in terms of tiredness. Going to sleep on a full stomach should help rejuvenate the player's CONDITION PERCENTAGE w/ much less hours of sleep, a deeper sleep, a faster recovery. A warm fire and a full stomach should increase the recovery quality of a player's health (right now, only HOT TEA does that).

*freshly cooked meat should warm the body in the same way as HOT TEA/HOT COFFEE do.

*food consumption quantities should be limited w/ realistic measures. OVEREATING should be implemented. VOMITING should be a new mechanic to address overeating or UPSET STOMACH as a result of eating too much.

*when consuming raw food and/or spoiled food the player may experience food poisoning currently. Please add the option to INDUCE VOMITING to remedy this. Currently, when FOOD POISONING has occurred in game, the player must rest for a total of 10 HOURS respectively. If they instead induce vomiting, they can go about their merry way. If a person's stomach was upset, they'd be vomiting (which is a real reaction to food poisoning) as opposed to just lying in bed peacefully, attempting to sleep. Remember the flu virus' affects?


In real life, I drank water on a trail from a natural spring at a natural park. I was unaware that this "clean" water source had giardia bacteria present. I took antacids, Pepto Bismol, and anti-diarrhea medication, nothing worked. At the time, I thought it was food poisoning as I ate Chinese food, that day, from an unfamiliar restaurant chain. My dad told me that I had to induce vomiting to get rid of the food inside my stomach. My point? It (vomiting) works!!!


In GTA: San Andreas, if the player consumed too much food at once, the character "vomited" on the spot.

The Long Dark should implement this because it is the body's natural way of purging itself of poisons in the stomach!



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