Rabbit Hat / Rabbit hide for universal repair


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It seems a shame that there are not more uses for the rabbit hides. I would suggest adding a rabbit hat to the craftable clothing we can make.

Maybe also rabbit hides could be used universally to repair the other crafted hide items. It makes sense if you have a small hole in your pants / shoes / coat and you would patch it with something smaller rather than an entire deer or wolf hide. How much rabbit hide might depend on the level of repair needed?

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+1 for implementing rabbit hides as a universal repair item

I posted my own ideas about this concept in another thread. There are also a couple of good suggestions about similar topics in that thread, too; so I recommend you go and check it out. Here's the most relevant excerpt of my post:

  • Use Rabbit Pelts to Partially Repair Fur Clothing
    • Rather than trekking out in the middle of snow storm to stalk down a deer just to repair that small tear in your deerskin pants, why not use one of those rabbit pelts you have stacked up in a heaping mound on the floor that you haven't found a use for yet? :roll:
    • Rabbit pelts can be used as a substitute material to repair fur clothing, though to a limited degree
    • The initial repair would use 1 rabbit pelt and 1 gut, and would repair the damaged article of clothing by up to 15%
    • The next repair would repair only 14%, then the next would repair only 13%, and so on until the fifth repair, which would repair the article of clothing one final time at only 10%
    • After that fifth repair, you would not be able to repair that piece of clothing until you repaired it atleast once with the animal pelt that currently does the job (i.e. deer pelt for deerskin boots, wolf pelt for wolf-skin jacket, etc.), in which case the next repair you perform with rabbit pelts would begin again at 15%
    • In total, the maximum amount you could repair any clothing item with rabbit pelts (excluding rabbit mittens and cap, of course) would be 70%

    [*]Rabbit Fur Cap

    • A cap made out of warm, fluffy rabbit's fur that has a fold-down flap that covers your ears and neck.
    • Provides +3.6 F (+2 C) in felt temperature; +3.6 F (+2 C) in wind chill protection
    • Weighs 2.2 lbs (1 kg), 4x more than a Toque or Wool Cap
    • Craftable; requires 3 rabbit pelts, 2 guts,, 1 sewing kit or fishing tackle, and 8 hours to fabricate
    • Repairable; 1 rabbit pelt, 1 gut,, 1 sewing kit or fishing tackle, and 30 minutes repairs 30%

I hope my post wasn't to complex and overwhelming in details to be understood and appreciated. I have a habit of overexpressing my ideas and thought. :roll:

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