roleplay mode and changing of modes


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i would love it if there was a role play mode where its like creative mode and you could spawn all the stuff in and go in stalker mode or something and see how long you could survive, sooo like unlimited bullets, guns, food, etc. i mean it just for fun because i'm comeplety horror intolerant i just freak out when i even see a wolf, and ive nevern been attacked by one before so i always go in pilgrim mode and just gather lots of supplies and i roleplay, it would be cool because you could have lots of food and go to the shop at coastal highway and pretend you have opened up shop or something. i know people are gonna say TLD is a survival game,or too many other survival games always have creative mode or someone else will say, "MLG Y TIS GAM FR SURVIVE NT CREATE.,or all that other [spoil]crap[/spoil] . but still i hope hinterland can find sometime to make an in-game creative list so we can pick out stuff, also to make it fair we should be able to only have 1-2 worlds in creative, also there should be 3 types of creative pilgrim creative, voyager creative, and stalker creative.

don worry i already know what your responses will be so don't bother unless you have something positive to say...

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