Bedroll condition


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Was sleeping in a cave using bedroll and then 1 day the bedroll was ruined. I could have fixed it with cloth had I known that it was nearing ruin.

I know that I could do this by picking up the bedroll and viewing it's condition via the inventory. But it would be nice if the condition % of the bedroll was displayed when you selected the bedroll to begin sleep. When you select the bedroll to sleep, it shows the weight etc. Can it please show the condition also.

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I'd like to see that (on mouseover even), but I'd like even more to see bedroll damage rates reduced massively. I get the idea behind normal clothing wear and tear, from hiking around in bad conditions, through brambles, etc, but bedrolls that do nothing but stay indoors in a dry place and be slept in? That makes no sense. I've used the same sleeping bag in the real world for 100+ nights camping, generally on much rougher ground and with more handling than ever my bedroll faces in game, and it has no noticeable negative effects from that.

I get that degradation of resources is a part of the game, and it makes absolute sense for some equipment, but other items just don't make sense to have degrade in this fashion, at anything resembling the speed they do. The other one that drives me crazy is boots - I have a nice set of boots that are 19 years old, and have been used for every outdoor activity in that time from ocean beach hiking to wilderness rescue to rappelling to paintball. They are no longer cosmetically new looking, to be sure, but I've never even had to replace the laces on them, much less do major structural repairs. Taking good care of one's equipment (which, lets face it, a character in game has copious time to do) will keep such things in good shape for a long time.

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