a few ideas


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I have few ideas for stuff i would like to see in the game.

1) I do understand that the game is still in Alpha, but i hope to eventually see better graphics to make the game appear less "cartoonish" (my wife's description) and more realistic enviroments.

2) More critters. I think it would be great to have more animal types, especially thode native to the area like fox, lynx, musk ox, moose, and maybe even some formerly domesticated animals like cattle, swine, horses, and even dogs.

3) Crossbows. How about making it possible to convert a rifle into a crossbow? I have a friend who does in real life and he claims that it is a fairly simple process. The end result isnt as good as a high end store bought, but is a good use for a worn out rifle and a good back up plan for when ammo runs out. Bolts would be made the same way as arrows but require less materials.

4) The ability to construct some kind of travois or primitave sled or cart. There are all kinds of materials for this already in the game from branches and planks for frames, tires and wheels, and lots of bull rushes for cordage. And speaking of the bull rushes, they make great containers to carry/store stuff in.

Thats it for now. I have more ideas, but typing on the XB1 is such a pain and a bit time consuming.

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