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While I know it isn't happening anytime soon, and quite possibly never, I for one would still like to see co-op as an eventuality. Right now, I'm glad that Hinterlands is focusing on the solo game - there is still a lot to do, and I'd rather see them do what they're doing as well as they possibly can, without getting pulled into too many directions (especially since from a technical development standpoint, adding any form of multiplayer would take a substantial amount of resources).

Still... if they did add co-op, danicusrex could still have his solitude (we'd just all have to sign a petition to promise not to play co-op with him) :P;)

As for "wouldn't make any sense in this game"... everyone is entitled to their own opinion I suppose. I for one think it makes plenty of sense in this game - both from a game design standpoint, and from a story/lore standpoint. Heck, the story mode is going to have NPC's and other survivors - why wouldn't it make any sense that in a sandbox version of that, we ended up "teaming up" with another of those survivors?

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Share on other sites going to have NPC's and other survivors - why wouldn't it make any sense that in a sandbox version of that, we ended up "teaming up" with another of those survivors?

Just read your own post and you'll have your answer....they're allready there...and therefore: no need for 'more People' in the game... :D:D:D:D:D;)

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Share on other sites going to have NPC's and other survivors - why wouldn't it make any sense that in a sandbox version of that, we ended up "teaming up" with another of those survivors?

Just read your own post and you'll have your answer....they're allready there...and therefore: no need for 'more People' in the game... :D:D:D:D:D;)

Uhh... what?

How does the existance of NonPlayerCharacters equate to another PlayerCharacter for co-op mode being "already there"? Or are you just making a joke?

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Or are you just making a joke?

You just got it ;)

But seriously I don't think it would do anything good to the game if we'd have a Multiplayer-Option...

I've seen it several times in the 'green Version' and (regarding to all the 'buildable stuff' there...) I just have a hard time believing that it makes any sense to play TLD with two or more RL Players...sry.

Besides that:

I'm not as evil as some of you People might think...just old... :lol:

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Could work depending on how they get time warps to function. IE- A player could do an action, select the time, the other player will then be given the option to say "Now" or "Until Inside" and the second option has a two minute timer to allow the player to get to a safe area. But that' just one of many examples. Honestly though it's good as singleplayer.

If Co-Op does happen it should be kept low. 2 people max, and for god's sake allow split screen for those Xbox players (I don't own one, I just feel people need to enjoy some old fashioned MP sometimes). Two people max mainly because any more than that it can get odd with the timer. Unless they come up with a brilliant way to make time warps work (Huh, maybe make it where the affects of time warp happens to the player doing an action, but time stays to same, this way it still simulates that you did something without messing up someone else** Except for sleeping which would work best if it was done the MineCraft way for that) so that up to 4 max could be done.

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