V.265+ Changed Wolf and Deer AI behaviour?


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Is it just me or have the deer and wolves become more alert?

Used to be they could be herded but now, not so much. It is trickier to hunt the wolf; the wolf seems to sense our approach much earlier, even when approaching from the rear while feeding as in the past. The new AI is more difficult; on the other hand, I more often come upon a wolf eating a deer and can get the deer. Since I'm currently using Pilgrim to avoid wolf deaths (that was getting frustrating) it is really difficult to kill a wolf.

Does anyone else have problems hunting the wolf on Pilgrim level using bow and arrow on the latest release? I assume that with rifle, things are much as before, you creep close enough for a clear shot. Now with bow and arrow, you must walk quietly however this seems to alert the wolf.

I can also sometimes just stand and wait motionless for deer to approach and then draw the bow and fire quickly. The bow seems to waver more and be very difficult to aim (problematic!!) and any movement at all, seems to cause the deer to flee. Is the only method now to take long pot shots at deer with the bow and arrow? Is there some reason my player has difficulty aiming? Cold? Fatigue?

I know on Voyageur & Stalker, you must fight the wolf and it will die. Not sure how bow hunting goes for that; I assume it is the same or harder.

Can we get any feedback on the animal behaviour? It is not mentioned as a change in the release notes; am I dreaming?? ;-)

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