Antique Rifles


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Anyone that hunts, let me ask you, how many rifles have you seen in the field without a scope?

Does everyone up in Canada hunt with what looks like a WWII relic and iron sights?

Just sayin'

I like the caliber though. Vaporize a rabbit, take down a deer and wolf, piss off a bear.

And for anyone struggling with shot placement, my best placement by far so far has been from behind, elevated and down between the front shoulders. It has yet to not instantly drop everything but a bear. I have not seen a bear while having a rifle to test it out.

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When I hunted I deliberately hunted primitive for more challenge.

You're right that most modern rifle owners have a scope or other alternate sighting system than fixed, open, iron sights.

I've never hunted in Canada so it may be different. My experience in Canada otherwise lead me to believe it is not unless there is a law against scope use.

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Iron sight hunters, on my experience, are the vast minority. The most I see are black powder hunters.

Another thing is the massive amount of ammo you can load. I feel that should be dropped to 3 or 4 rounds MAX.

On a side note I feel a work bench should be required for gun repair. Midnight in a blizzard with no light and I can fix a rifle? Ummm.....

Anyways... a basic fixed low power scope at the least, please.

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The rifle in the game (perhaps more kinds should be added) is a British Lee Enfield No. 4, which was indeed used in World War 2. It was still used by Canadian Arctic Ranger units as of 2012( which is no doubt why it's in the game), though there were plans to replace it by 2014-15. It also actually does hold 10 rounds, loadable exactly as in game, one at a time or on 2-5 round stripper clips. So anyway, this is modeled after a real weapon, not something they made up. And while it is true most modern hunters use scopes anybody who is actually a good shot--myself included--should easily be able to fatally wound a deer at 100 yards using iron sights. I regularly hit a 4 1/2 inch target at 170 yards, though it is true I can't shoot in game near as well as I can irl.

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