large scale projects/ work injurys


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well i think large scale projects would be a good thing to have, for example that collapsed bridge in the warehouse in desolation could fix the bridge and be able to go up there and when you are done with the bridge you could take it apart again, like to build it you need like 6-7 scrap metal and it will take like 6-5 hours to build it but like in crafting at the workbench you could select an amount of time to build it for example you could select 3 out of 6 hours and just work on it for 3 hours and then finish it later but when you want to take it apart it would only take about half as long as it took you to build it you would still get back all your scrap metal the only thing is you would waste time taking it apart and also it should consume more calories to build and rebuild it. like more than sleeping also you should add stuff like when you are doing something you should be able to cancel yet not lose any progress and depending on how long you worked for it should show a half finished or 3/4 finished or a quarter finished version of what you are working on and also you should be able to do stuff such as clear rubble and random trash and stuff to the side and scrap them for resources later. as for work injuries you should get stuff such as cuts and if you are outside you could go through a thorn bush by accident and get cuts, scrapes, and torn clothing.

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1) Not meaning to give you a hard time, but the lack of paragraphs and capitalization make this a bit of a pain to read.

2) I do like the idea of something like "repair this bridge" in order to get past to an area that is otherwise blocked off -- I'm usually in favor of "gating" material off like that. However, I think I'd want to see something like that take a LOT more than 5-6 hours... more like 36-72 hours I'd say (and for a bridge specifically, I'd want to see a mix of scrap metal and logs needed).

3) While I do like the idea of having to build something to get to a gated off area, I'm not nearly as fond of the idea of tearing it down/reclaiming materials.

4) I don't really care for the idea of "work injuries" - just feels like an unnecessary addition to allow randomness to screw with you. As for accidentally going through a thorn bush resulting in torn clothing, that is already accounted for in how clothing deteriorates as you wear it (slowly, but that represents all of the minor little things that happen - from wearing material thin, to small holes/tears/etc)

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I actually like the idea of getting a cut requiring medical attention if you walk directly through a large spiky bush. I've also considered having an increased risk of spraining an ankle if you walk directly over a fallen log, etc.

The "repair this bridge" idea sounds better for story mode, although an interesting mid-late game project...

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