Discussion on Combat


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How is combat ultimately going to work in this game? Specifically when you get attacked by other animals. I absolutely hate the current "mash LMB" system. It is so far the worst element of the game I've experienced and the only one that really felt out of place. I'm assuming it's just a simple placeholder system for now until a better idea is implemented. There is the idea of quicktime events but I feel that is a really stale way to handle this issue as well.

I don't know if this has been suggested but I like the idea of having the weapon that is currently in your hand as you are attacked and the "sharpness" or condition of the item determining the about of damage you receive. Perhaps if you are fatigued or are freezing/starving etc you are more likely to receive even greater damage when you are attacked.

This idea seems far more realistic for a number of reasons. It would mean that you would have to make sure to keep your knife or whatever weapon in good condition at all time and carry it with you. You would have to make sure to equip it when you encounter a wolf/bear or whatever.

So with this idea it would mean that when facing an attack dying would resulted from being in poor conditions, forgetting your knife at home or not taking good care of it, and being in poor health when you get attacked instead of not pushing Lmb fast enough.

I'm curious what other ideas people have and what you all think of this idea?

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I agree, that the current combat system feels very much out of place considerung the overall pace & feel of the game. Pure button smashing fits very pureful in this otherwise quiet cinematic experience. While not being a huge difference, I even preferred the prior system, where you had to build up force on one button and release on the other button. Additionally this approach gave the player some control, over prioritizing whether the player preferred to end the attack as quickly as possibly (hit the "attack" button more frequently) or do a killing blow to be able to pick up the loot without chasing (hit the "build-up force" button more frequently and attacking less frequently).

I believe (and hope!) that the current combat system will be replaced in the future thou. I don't really have a good suggestion on how it could look like thou.

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The previous two-button version was a nightmare for those who are no good at "twitch" games.

I agree that the animal combat system seems out of place, but I dearly loathe cut-scene resolutions to gameplay. To me, it feels like being pushed aside while someone else takes over the game. It works for the bear attacks, because there is absolutely nothing you could do about those anyway.

Would slowing down the wolf attack help matters? Instead of mashing the button, we might use the mouse to target where we want to hit the wolf (with a fair amount of drift and uncertainty due to being tossed around). Or maybe we could drag the weapon across the screen with the mouse.

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Not supposed to be a combat game, but rather a resource management/strategy game disguised in first person perspective.

Hunting and defensive struggles should require less gaming skill and be more reliant on equipment and status. And I think they are.

However, button pushing makes struggle interactive, so keep it. But maybe put a delay between registering taps so there becomes a maximum rate of success. Preferably one that moderate players can achieve.

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