Crafting with Tools is Funny


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If crafting an item requires a tool and that tool breaks during crafting (uses up all remaining condition of tool), the crafting fails and all crafting progress is lost but full time is expended if no replacement tool is carried. However, if an identical tool exists in inventory, crafting will be completed fulllly even though tool should have broken part way through. Tool still breaks. No wear on second tool.


A. Crafting deerskin boots for 6.5 hours with only 5% condition sewing kit in hand. 6.5 hours later, sewing kit breaks and no progress has been made on boots (12.5 hours still required).

B. Crafting deerskin boots for 12.5 hours with 5% condition sewing kit and 100% sewing kit in hand. 12.5 hours later 5% sewing kit breaks and boots completed. No condition loss to 100% sewing kit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More sewing kit hijinks.

If a clothing repair requiring a sewing kit fails at the same time it uses the last bit of condition on the kit, it will claim the kit has broken. But the kit remains, with listed condition as "NONE" vice a percentage. Repairing with condition "NONE" kit is possible, and it disappears once used.

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