continental highway houses.

sir ice

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every house is supplied with the exact same items, there are very few houses that are different. its very boring. I don't care what happens, but it seems that something needs to happen. first of all, the homesteads should be unique. In mystery lake, the trappers homestead may include snares, bullets, and a rifle(which makes sense as its a trappers home.) the other homesteads are just normal houses. the sea's weak ice effect is awesome, but the highway itself need improvement. what if it goes on, for a while, but then it enters into powder snow, which is too cold to survive through even if you have the best gear. powdery snow(in real life trips you once in a while, and when you fall, the snow gets under your clothes(very cold.) I believe these 2 improvements would make the highway map much better.

please say what you think;)

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I agree with you about the houses.. it's quite boring to find a new house that is the same as the last that you've visited.. but i understand that it's more work for the developers

still would be worth the time. different furniture positions and corpses would make a huge difference.

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