First .256 run


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I recorded this intending to add my feedback on .256 as captions, but then I remembered, so, no point in doing it, it will just be raw gameplay.

Knowing the video, I would not watch it. So take this information and do with it whatever you want.


P.S. If for whatever reason you do watch it, just so you're not completely confused, main goals for this run were:

1. Test for AI changes, if any; the excuse, make the wolfskin coat and kill Fluffy knife-to-paw while wearing it.

2. Avoid hypothermia for a while by being in bed before losing 35% condition due to freezing. So like a curfew.

3. Get hypothermia but try to postpone it at the last moment with a couple of sticks to see what it would take to do so.

4. Cure it while reconfirming fire mechanics imbalance, like temperature never dropping and so on. Side note, doesn't hypothermia encourage/require hibernation, even if "just" for 24 hours, especially if you're at the start of your run? Ironic.

5. Speaking of which, test to see if hibernation still works while waiting for curing.

As it turns out I do test it to speed up curing but not to the letter, I still eat or at least drink some water as it feels somewhat dirty-yucky. You can still do it and hypothermia seems to me a gateway drug to it for new players.


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