Improvised Field Bed (IFB)


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Improvised Field Bed (IFB)

Purpose: To be able to craft, on the spot, an IFB that would be placed on the ground, being in the open or in a passage or in a cave that would then substitute for a bedroll.  Once placed the IFB cannot be picked up or moved so place it carefully and wisely.  

In practical terms this would be like crafting a rock cache or a snow shelter it has to be placed in a valid location before it can be crafted.

The IFB has the same characteristics as the Leaf Bed that shows up in some caves with a warmth bonus of +2 C, minimal wind chill bonus +1 C if applicable, however it suffers comparatively severe condition loss from use i.e. 5% with every use for resting or passing time and with the passage of time, i.e. every 5 days. It can be repaired with appropriate cured hides and a cured gut.  The only tool needed to repair would be fishing tackle or a sewing kit.  

The base materials needed would be, at least, two cured deer hides and one cured gut.  Maintenance would require one cured deer hide (and maybe one cured gut?). If the IFB is harvested one cured deer hide is recovered.  

The IFB would be treated like clothing for the purposes of getting wet and frozen so placement in a protected location of sorts would be relevant.  In the event that it was placed where it could get wet and freeze it can be thawed and dried by a nearby active fire.  

The IFB is intended to be available if one had a plentiful supply of cured deer hides and cured gut that one could move a supply to a favorite cave and be able to craft a means to sleep without impacting their bedroll.  Alternately if their bedroll had been "ruined" by wolf or bear attack they have the capacity to create a temporary place to sleep if they have the materials on hand.  

This would be complementary to being able to craft more deerskin clothing, like a shirt, jacket, and coat with increasing warmth effects so that the pile of cured deer hides that typically accumulate have something more they can be used for and provide more demand for deer hides and guts to be used to mend. 

If the Cougar when it returns still has the capability to tear up one's gloves then maybe a pair of deerskin gauntlets might be considered for addition as well.  


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2 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

Improvised Field Bed (IFB)

Purpose: To be able to craft, on the spot, an IFB that would be placed on the ground, being in the open or in a passage or in a cave that would then substitute for a bedroll.  Once placed the IFB cannot be picked up or moved so place it carefully and wisely.  

In practical terms this would be like crafting a rock cache or a snow shelter it has to be placed in a valid location before it can be crafted.

The IFB has the same characteristics as the Leaf Bed that shows up in some caves with a warmth bonus of +2 C, minimal wind chill bonus +1 C if applicable, however it suffers comparatively severe condition loss from use i.e. 5% with every use for resting or passing time and with the passage of time, i.e. every 5 days. It can be repaired with appropriate cured hides and a cured gut.  The only tool needed to repair would be fishing tackle or a sewing kit.  

The base materials needed would be, at least, two cured deer hides and one cured gut.  Maintenance would require one cured deer hide (and maybe one cured gut?). If the IFB is harvested one cured deer hide is recovered.  

The IFB would be treated like clothing for the purposes of getting wet and frozen so placement in a protected location of sorts would be relevant.  In the event that it was placed where it could get wet and freeze it can be thawed and dried by a nearby active fire.  

The IFB is intended to be available if one had a plentiful supply of cured deer hides and cured gut that one could move a supply to a favorite cave and be able to craft a means to sleep without impacting their bedroll.  Alternately if their bedroll had been "ruined" by wolf or bear attack they have the capacity to create a temporary place to sleep if they have the materials on hand.  

This would be complementary to being able to craft more deerskin clothing, like a shirt, jacket, and coat with increasing warmth effects so that the pile of cured deer hides that typically accumulate have something more they can be used for and provide more demand for deer hides and guts to be used to mend. 

If the Cougar when it returns still has the capability to tear up one's gloves then maybe a pair of deerskin gauntlets might be considered for addition as well.  


Making a bed would be nice, aspecially in the regions like hushed river, but we already have the snow shelter we can use, and carrying 5 pieces of cloth or ripping up your clothes if you have to, will still be way easier then dragging pelts just to make a bed... Im not saying that the idea is bad, just that it would be overshadowed by things that already exist

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Going to lean into crazy talk; What if this didn't decay at all? Add the restriction of needing to be indoors, like inside a cave or a loaded interior or etc, but once you build it, it acts as a permanent (awful warmth quality) bed location much like how rock caches are permanent. Would that be unhinged, or could it be fine?

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