Prepper Bunker design flaw


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I reported this on the Long Dark page on Facebook but I wanted to make sure the right people saw it:

Prepper Bunker. I don't think this mechanism is well thought out. There are two hatches. One on the surface and one in the ceiling of the shelter. Obviously the ladder is collapsible and resides between the two hatches. The design of this seems to be if you are inside the bunker you can only close the top hatch ( something you can't do in the game which is bad because the cold gets in and therefore the bed offers no warmth ) but not the inside hatch. A true bunker with protection from radiation ( and other things ) would have two closable hatches from the inside. A rigid ladder with a hatch that swings to either side or away from the ladder would be a better design. I find this design flawed for that reason. What's the point of having two hatches if you can't close both from the inside? If they can only be both closed from the outside then that's a useless benefit. If it can be argued the Player would raise the ladder up to close the hatch ( like an attic access door in a house ) then that too is a flawed concept. If a person was inside the Bunker and someone above forced the outer door open, then they could disable or damage the ladder where the person inside could not escape. You need an inside hatch that can be secured and closed from the inside. You need a rigid ladder system that cannot be manipulated and therefore affected by actions from people good or bad. Collapsible ladders are only logical when the intent is to go in one direction momentarily and then back out. That does not fit a Bunker where someone may be forced to stay for a prolonged period.

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