Old custom runs can’t have cougars?

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So I was about to resume my “realistic” run to explore the new region and kill the 3 cougars needed for the badge, however, as the video suggested I should be able to turn on or off cougars and scurvy. For whatever reason, the option to turn on cougars and scurvy never appeared. So that implies one of two things, rather both cougars and scurvy are on or off permanently for that run. I went on it and there was none of the scurvy management stuff. So does that mean that my “realistic” run is locked from cougars as well? Does anyone have any idea how this works? I’m about to go to a museum because I’m on my trip so I won’t be able to respond for a while.

I tried to upload a screenshot but my internet is so bad that it would take like 15 minutes to download and upload it.

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The option to enable it disable isn't working at the moment.. raph said they're working on a fix for it for custom runs..I'd post a link to his comment if I could..

I didn't get the option on my side run but when playing I had no mention of scurvy and all I I got concerning the cougar was a couple of meows..

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10 minutes ago, SuperStriker16 said:

Good to hear that they’re working on it, I’ll just pause the run until they fix that, I’m going to start my misery mode run while waiting instead.

I wish you luck in that one...   If it wasn't for the bears I'd try it myself but I'm a chicken lol...

Looking forward to reading how it goes😊

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