Cheat permadeath


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Posted (edited)

After reading latest game develop diary on steam, ill summarize here:


How this will work is that upon dying in the game, players will have two options: Die (as they do currently), or Cheat Death. If they Die, their save is wiped as it is currently, and they can carry on as usual. If they Cheat Death, they’ll be offered a series of choices they need to make if they want to continue playing. These choices will offer a series of trade-offs, because while you can cheat death, you can’t cheat death for free. (...) Each time you cheat death, the game will become progressively more difficult for you, and you can cheat death up to three times (4 total “lives”). Your final life will be very difficult.

You can Cheat Death once, twice, three times, or not at all. At each death you’ll have to make the decision about how you want to continue, if you do.

and about cheat permadeath i have a wish. So like i want there to be perma death so like one way to compromise is like instead of respawning at 0 % hp, lets say you get your option at a certain threshold it could be at 15% hp. If it happens mid wolf fight, your option comes in in the middle of the wolffight and the wolfight pauses. If you select to cheat you get full hp and the wolf fight ends. The wolf runs away with full hp and the game gets harder. But if you select you want to keep playing, the pro is the game doesnt get harder, the con is you are close to dying. So if you can heal up again your gamble paid off because now the game isnt harder. 

I think its better if you make a gamble about it.

If you decide to keep playing you only get a 2nd chance of cheat permadeath if you get above a certain threshold i suggest  75% hp.

Edited by exeexe
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 problem with this is you can get to 15% at wildly different times
yes it could be a wolf fight, but might also be you have an infection with no antibiotics (in which case, the cheat death where debuffs is inherently always better)
and on lower difficulties a lot of people are bit more careless when it comes to health dropping cause the amount gained by sleep so something like 75% going to hit a lot and therin lies another challenge. how to make it so all difficulties it would be reasonable of close to dieing but not too close
and how does this work for falling from a great height. can go from 100 to 0 in an instant. there is no gradual loss of health then. would the second option just be game over anyways? if you fell in a place can't get up from are you just stuck until die again from time out in the open unmoving?
the current set up seems to be planned for can choose to have only one life (so if you like permadeath with 1 life, it doesnt really affect anything) or you could choose to loose a big chunk of your belongings where would be an accessible place near where died, and spawn somewhere else in that region where might even start with absolutely no items or clothing and would need to get items quick cause of that, and with debuffs ontop of that.

the planned set up seems to be a way to not affect people that only want to do the permadeath 1 life, get some more players willing to try the game cause a little more then 1 life but with drawbacks, challenge players who will purposely die till one life early and see how long they last, and make it so players that overall like the permadeath but don't want to let go of long saves an option where they can continue with a debuff that's a constant reminder that they messed up.

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Lunerse said:

yes it could be a wolf fight, but might also be you have an infection with no antibiotics (in which case, the cheat death where debuffs is inherently always better)

To me it doesnt matter how you go down to 15%.

I didnt think much about lower difficulties, but maybe recharging 75% hp is too much even if its on easy? - Alternatively you can instead take less dmg from various threats


how does this work for falling from a great height

You get the option at 0% hp - of course theres no gamble here but this would be the same as the one suggested in developer diary.


Edited by exeexe
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