Half of the Wolf stuck inside Pensive Pond [Screenshot]


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So i went for fishing in Pensive Pond, suddenly i hear wolf walking, so i did not move because sometimes movement in hut trigger wolf attacking behavior, i stayed without movement for 30 in game minutes, thinking that wolf would pass by and walk on his regular routine, but step sounds kept at same level, once i moved it did not trigger wolf attack behavior and then i saw this...

So i moving inside cabin and it does not trigger the attack. Kind of afraid of going outside, but i guess i have to, to see what happens.


edit: So wolf actually started to following me inside the cabin, but he have not made any angry or attacking noises, just simple following. I have managed to go outside, and wolf was still stuck, walking in a same spot. I went to Signal Hill, came back next day and wolf was unstuck and walking on his regular patrol route.

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Hey, as i mentioned when i got back wolf was unstuck, patroling by the benches, as i was getting ready to start fishing, once again he came, but now from the side of the drawers in the hut, and got stuck again. Please try to look into this, and if possible add to the next hotfix. Thank you. Happy Easter.

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