harvesting or crafting new clothes


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I am sure this has been mentioned before, but here goes anyways.

Is there any reason we can not pick a corpse clean of their clothes....it is not like they are ever going to use them again....and for one I would not blush if I left them naked.

One other thing, we can make a bedroll, coat, boots, and mittens, yet we cant make pants or toque...is it only me that thinks that is odd....perhaps that could be incorporated into the game.

Sorry if I have repeated some other previous topic.

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Well think about it this way, your just picking up the things you can use off of corpses... and a lot of these guys died by violent means, so the clothes they got aren't in the best condition or by virtue of decomposition aren't things you would want to wear or be able to use as scrap

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The main reason: balance. If you could take all the clothes of the corpses you find, you'd have 2-3 times the clothes you have now. Even if all those clothes are at a low condition, you'd be able to fix your other clothes using the cloth they provide. The only way to balance that would be to let clothes deteriorate much faster and people are already complaining clothes deteriorate too fast.

The clothes can also be too far gone to be of any use, like JErosion said. And don't forget those corpses are frozen. Taking the shoes or a togue might be doable, but peeling off a sweater would be very hard to do.

Crafting the boots, jacket and mittens has been added not too long ago. I'm sure more options will be added later on. Don't forget this game is still in Alpha.

And yes, both points have been discussed before several times.

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Too funny ellco...I would drag that poor old frozen corpse over to the nearest fire and thaw him/her out, that way I could have an instant freeze dried friend come to life. Life would be just grand to have someone to talk to for a couple of days....at least until the rot started to set in. Rinse and repeat

I can understand your theory of having too much in the way of clothes or scrap, but in RL I would be scavenging everything I could find. On the other hand the game could become boring and you are right it is only a sandbox and not the real thing yet.

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