Some impressions of stalker mode 32 days in


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This was my first play in several months. First with the new difficulty levels. It was really nice to see a lot of things which bugged me before be fixed or improved. A great game and getting better all the time. Sad to see all the complaining on steam. Hope the debs aren't to stressed from it.

So impressions of stalker mode.

Awsome. Love the burnt out buildings. Also...

Clothes too rare?

Too many calories from the bullrushes, too few from rabbit meat?

Dead rabbits should be objects we can pick up and take with us.

Houses a -bit- too empty now? Better than when there was too much to find, but now searching is less fun.

Too many wolves. :-( More of a realism complaint than a difficulty complaint. Seems overboard. Make them faster or more perceptive but less in number?

Too many bullets? Seems trivial to get enough meat to survive fifty days.

Clothing degradation still high when sheltering inside fishing huts.

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