Sandbox Option - Why Are We There?


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I was thinking about this last night while watching Dual Survival. Why are we out in The Long Dark? I know there was an event and the players plane crashed (minus the plane wreckage). However, this is a Sandbox mode... what about some other options? The player was out and about, the event happens and now you are in the thick of it. If you pick one of the options below, it outfits your character with a bit of "specialized" gear, maybe a more focused starting location and puts a moniker on your player.

  1. Trapper - The player starts with the same clothing, a jacket of some type, two snares and a hunting knife OR the player starts near the trapper shack.

  1. Hunter -The player starts with the same clothing, a jacket of some type, a rifle, 3 rounds of ammo and a hunting knife.

  • Ranger - The player starts out with the same clothing,a jacket of some type, a hatchet and an MRE.

  • Scout - The player starts out with the same clothing, a knife and a magnifying glass.

  • Hiker - The player starts out with the same clothing, a hatchet and a granola bar :)

  • Homebody - The players starts out near a home in Pleasant Valley or the Coast.

  • Commuter - The players starts out with the same clothing and starts near a car.

  • Fisherman - The player starts out with the same clothing, a hunting knife and three fishing lines. Also the player should start near a fishing hole.

  • Engineer - The players starts out with the same clothing but with work boots, the lantern and a box of matches. Also the player should start near a set of train tracks.

  • Woodcutter - The players start out with the same clothing but with work boots and a hatchet. Also the player should start in Clearcut OR near on of the big piles of felled trees.

I think the list could be made larger, but I bet you get the idea. I am looking to see how well a player starts out impacts their overall survival. Also, I might be able to handle Medium Diff but I just can't seem to break into Hard. I decide to start out as a Hunter and see if this helps even out my odds.

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