Tales from the far territories free update review - Stalker


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I spawned at mystery lake just over the hill with the weapons bunker (didn't spawn) and I think the spawn refresh is nice even though in this case I knew exactly where I was pretty much immediately. I might have just been unlucky, but it seems that there is significantly less loot at the camp office now. I wasn't going to head up that way since I want to get to the new regions, but after finding the note for the Carter memento cache I decided I better find how much is in those things. It might have been because I was choosing to ignore them, but it seemed like there were fewer cattails then before. A good change if so. I start to feel like there was just less loot in general, that they must have moved a decent amount to these new memento caches when suddenly.  image.thumb.png.8a0a53f0b82fa8f47e7b494e57a318c8.png

         I thought they had changed the loot so, that a ton of the loot spawns one of a couple spots in each region. I ended up going with The Curator's rifle because Bucks rifle didn't sound useful, and I wasn't worried about weight. Also, that isn't a giant newspaper it's just floating. I found about the same amount of stuff as usual in the dame just no hatchet. until found the Memento cache which had a revolver and ten bullets! 


          I head on over to do trappers cabin to get a bear coat and log off for the night. The next day I found out that all of the item variants weren't supposed to be in that trailer so, I decided to dump them in the cabin at them behind Trappers Cabin where they will never be seen again. I was worried that Maxe's Iconic hatchet would be missing, but was relived to find a bow there instead I think it would be cool if there were a bunch possible high value tools that could spawn there. I'm sure I'll check again someday. I like the new doe's there seems to be more ammunition so, it does hurt as bad that they are less individually valuable. The main thing that they do is make me acutely want to hunt the bucks. The number of time that I saw a buck and was tempted to hunt it instead of just ignore it was two or three. That's not a lot, but that's how many times I saw bucks. The does make were if you want to get the must deer for your buck you really got to hunt around a bit since the ones nearby might all be does. 

          With four days left before my Bear pelt cured, I contracted intestinal parasites. A four percent chance and I got it. To make things worse I didn't have enough antibiotics to recover since I refuse to carry more than one bottle (because they weigh so, much) and hadn't stopped to gather any Reishis. I could have scrounged up some Reshies from the clear cut and I knew I left a bottle at mystery lake, Intestinal parasites doesn't become an issue until six or seven days into it so, I decided I can make it to the maintenance yard to wait of the rest of my time. As I was leaving the moose showed up, I was too excited to wait any longer. I accidentally left my bed roll at Trappers Cabin but, luckily there was still one at the Poachers Camp.

            I found the memento cache in the cave next to the destroyed cabin in broken railroad and found a mackinaw jacket. So, from the two that I have looted it seems that Memento caches are good places to find low amounts of high-quality loot. A way for it to feel like your finding good loot more often without actually upsetting balance, as well as give new players a series of things to head to. There a nice bit of game design that accomplishes multiple things once. Good job Hinterland. There's also these new notes that point reveal important locations. For example, I found one that points to the cave that leads to Milton from Mystery Lake. I hope this means Hinterland Is preparing to make it where you have to discover regions before you can spawn in them. Only problem is that it looks like this on the map.


I Hope that is bugged text. I guess that now would be the time mention some other bugs. I found alot more  floatin' objects then before and I kept opening containers and then being able to walk away. It would play the searching noise the container would be ajar for a few seconds then whatever was in it would pop like normal when I was half way across the room.

       Review:  All of the new stuff seems to be a straight improvement over Perilous Constraint. The loot refresh mixes things up but, doesn't change the way you play. (I Haven't done an interloper run yet.) The item variants seem like an easy way to add unique items to more regions (which is good. Adds more flavor and reasons to explore.). If this was a regular update it adds enough to not be sad like the spray can update was. But, that lack of a new region would have to make it on the lamer end of updates. Luckily for it the free update isn't the main attraction. The new regions are and what new regions they are. I'll post my review of The Far Territories it's self on that sub-form. Oh, one more thing I found way more ammo than before. I'm talking some thirty rounds, forty bullets and five arrows. This is episode three levels of ammo, and it is my only grip with the update. Bugs not with standing.

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