Rope/Drag carcass

Christopher Billman

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I apologize if this was suggested before but I looked through the last 20 pages and didn't see it.  (Spoilers)

I have often thought how I wish I could just drag a carcass somewhere and process it.  Like Asrid does for the plane vics.

I think the mechanic could be EXACTLY the same.  Pick up the animal or need a rope and drag it behind you.  Makes you SUPER slow.  Can't fight while holding or pulling.

That would be an AMAZING addition

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Dragging/sled systems as a general topic have come up a few times. The main pros are that it would allow you to carry more supplies at once, especially if those packed-up supplies (or unharvested carcass) were not immediately accessible. So like you can't just eat the deer, you'd have to drop it, harvest something, and then either eat it raw at your own peril, or cook it. Likewise you couldn't pick your rifle off the sled to fend off a bear because it's all packed away and tied down.

I'm all for it it personally. But there's complicating factors to consider. Dragging things on level terrain or downhill is one thing, but uphill? How would you rectify that? There's lots of potential methods, each with their own pros and cons. Altering the variables on what grade of slope contributes sprain risk, or disallows movement altogether, is probably the best approach.

Then what about animation? Would there be a visible object being dragged behind you? Or would it just be some subtle alteration to the UI, like when Astrid carries someone you just see her arms at the periphery of the screen. When you put it down, what would it look like? If it were a carcass that's easy, just drop a carcass. But what happens if you drop that carcass indoors? Does it decay faster? Does it naturally thaw on its own? Do you just disallow the player carrying it indoors at all? Easy with clickable area transitions, but what about caves that auto-transition if you walk far enough in?

Good idea that many people share, but not without its complications!

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