How about some field glasses?


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Would love to be able to "find" on an old pair of field glasses.   I'd love to stumble across them, left behind in some forgotten hunter's blind or forestry lookout.  Imagine standing high up on the ridge line and glassing the valley below on a crisp clear day.   Being able to "scan" a section of distant terrain for predators or game would be worth the extra dead weight in my ruck for sure.  If I were to introduce such an item, I'd limit the entire island to less than 3 so that finding them wouldn't necessarily be easy nor convenient. Binoculars would be extremely rare, big and heavy as well. In keeping with semi realistic weight expectations I'd make them between 1.5-2 kilos, maybe even a little heavier if they were extreme conditions rated Naval issued field glasses.  Other than looking through them, the glasses wouldn't provide any other function.  

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1 hour ago, diggity said:

Binocs would be really nice - but I'd be happy with a scope for the rifle.

I could agree with you there, but I don't think the devs would like that....Survival game, not hunting game.....with the survival mindset, I do indeed see the bino's being much more game style friendly. 

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