Inactivity Timer


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I think it's be awesome to add a 10 minute timer to autopause the game if the player has not moved or even rotated their view for the last 10 minutes IRL.

The main reason is that sometimes I forget to hit pause and think I'm just getting up to go get a drink or something and then get interrupted on the way back. making me panic that my character is still doing ok.

The other reason would be what I consider to be cheaters who eat 700 calories, then sleep, and then go watch a movie IRL so they can avoid having to eat more calories in the game. If you want to play this way, you should have to at least manually unpause it a lot because the rest of us are always DOING something in the game. Even sleeping requires 1800 calories a day.

You could add an exception if the player is actually doing something like boiling water etc.

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I think an inactivity timer is a useful addition. It has happened to me as well that I thought I'd paused the game only to see I was almost dead by the time I got back. A 2 y.o. can be very distracting at times :)

But I don't see how this would work against "cheaters". Why would anyone eat something, sleep and then go do something else. If you want to increase your survival time, sleeping is a much faster way to do so than leaving your PC on to slowly advance the time while doing something else yourself. It's also much saver as it can't happen that you come back too late to see a message that you died from dehydration or starvation.

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I think sleeping uses the least calories of all things you can do. It may be that doing nothing uses the same amount of calories but I doubt it uses less. But I haven't actually tested this. I might do that next time I play.

Surviving on 700 calories a day is not hard if you don't mind loosing a few % condition due to starvation and healing back up when sleeping. In fact you can starve yourself for 3 days as long as nothing else lowers your condition and then heal back up to 100% using only 825 calories and 11 hours of sleep. Or you could use 1 piece of rabbit per day and survive on 450 calories a day without letting your condition drop below 80%.

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You're right, they are probably just taking a hit to condition. I stay at 100% constantly. You would not ever want to be in a weakened state, because then you would be more likely to get sick. Gaming is serious sh*t to me. I focus on the game as if my very life IRL depends on it. Hence, why I hate multiplayer with getting killed every 5 minutes. If I get shot in a game, I almost feel real pain.

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I don't like multi player games myself very much either, for the same reason. At least not the ones that focus on pvp. I do like playing such games with friends that are roughly on the same level as myself, but when I play online I usually die all the time. Not my idea of fun...

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