Missing UI Graphics


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I couldn't work out what to call this, and because of this I struggled to search for it...

Bug: Missing UI Graphics

Desc: all of the icon/ui graphics are missing. This doesn't always happen, but once it starts it wont stop until I restart game. I feel like it is a local problem as my friend doesnt have the same problem.

Specifically the problem exhibits with either completely missing graphics or with incorrect graphics.

This missing graphics include (this isn't an exclusive list):

  • when pressing tab, all eight options will show name only, there is nothing where the icon should be.
  • cross hair is missing
  • progress bars are missing for everything, foraging, opening
  • hunger, thirst, cold and fatigue bars do not show. neither do the indication arrows
  • each sub menu (first aid, equipment etc) do not show graphics clearly.

OP: Yosemite OSX 10.10.1 - MB Air (13-inch, Mid 2011), proc: 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7 mem: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3, Graphics:Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB




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I think it might be a hardware issue. I have a MBA with an HD 5000 chipset and the game runs reasonably at medium detail. I am not sure the HD 3000 has the memory or horsepower. I see it only has 384MB of RAM which is quite low.

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