Lantern time, fire pits, and bedrolls


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As of v.183, here are a few additions that I would find helpful:

1. Text indicating how many hours/minutes of fuel remain in a lit lantern that has been placed somewhere. When crafting / repairing / etc. at night by the light of a lantern, it would be nice to know how my lantern is doing at a glance, much like when I mouse over a lit stove or fire.

2. Outdoor fire pits, the small metal or rock ring type, that give perhaps a 5% or 10% wind-blocking bonus to firestarting. It would be fun to find a few of these here and there, maybe in front of the Lakeside Cabins and especially at the campground in Coastal Highway.

3. Being able to craft bedrolls. I never let mine out of my sight, but my girlfriend is a bit more scatterbrained than I am and she has lost hers in several games, having no idea where she left it. With all the beds in houses, cabins, and trailers, it'd be nice to be able to collect blankets, pillows, and sheets and sew a new sleeping bag (ooh, maybe a fur-lined one?). That also brings up the question of why the bedroll doesn't experience degradation with use - perhaps it ought to?

Beyond that, I'll just say thanks for the frequent updates. Based on your websites and forum comments, I'm certain you Hinterland guys are working on a LOT of content that we're not aware of yet - more regions, more wildlife, more crafting, new challenges, not to mention Story Mode, and, hmm, those mysterious aurorae...I look forward to future revelations :)

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