Introducing the next Gen to TLD (PS4)


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My pre-order of the PS4 disc came in.  It was a gift for a friend who isn't very experienced in video games, but loves the wilderness.  He has two sons (16, 13).  They play Fortnite, etc.   I gave him the TLD with a note about how it isn't your usual game.

He was excited, but his sons stole the controller.  Honestly, I didn't think TLD would be up their alley.  Kids don't really enjoy being humbled; they get that enough.  But there they were, hogging the controller.  Starting another run.

So, some comments about the experience they had (note: I told them to avoid Wintermute, because I think the lonely Survival game is a viscerally unique experience that TLD offers -- some of the problems below would be solved by a Wintermute run):

I didn't tell them anything about strategy.  I would only tell them how some basic mechanics worked.  Like me, they died the first time because they didn't know how to "collect snow".

Like me, they assumed starving would be instant death -- or at least something that had to be avoided at most costs.

They didn't quite understand how to make the map.  Thought the game was borked with a black map.

For a long time they chased rabbits with stones and couldn't manage to hit one.  When they did, they celebrated.  "YES!!!"  Only to see the rabbit get up and scram.  I had a good belly-laugh over that one.  I'm sure they'll also let one escape from their hands, but they haven't gotten that far.

In no-time, the older boy had a 8day run going.  He got a bit lucky with weather and wolves.

The younger had a few wonderful saves.  He was blurry-tired-wounded, scaling ML's outpost.  I didn't tell him it would be destroyed.  He thought salvation was in sight.  Then, I recommended a few things he could do to save himself a bit.  He saw the other outlook across the way.  And as he was asking, "if I go off the cliff will it injure me?" he fell off to death.  It was highly comical.  He'd just narrowly escaped death, saw salvation, and then committed suicide.

In another game he has lingered in ML too long, only circling the places he'd found so far (Camp Office, Fishing, Trapper's) and had exhausted his food.  He found a rifle he missed before.  Went outside.  Nailed a buck with his first shot.  Then fired 4 more trying to get a second while tired.  Almost died to harvesting, but saved himself from starvation.  Then he found the hunting cabin by Unnamed Pond.  But a wind hit him hard.  With little clothing he struck out for the Trapper's cabin . . . in the wrong direction.  "I'm pretty sure this is the way.  Yeah, this is it.  Hmm, maybe not.  I think I'm making a horrible decision."  Death followed in the sorting lot.

The older boy had his confidence up.  His 8-day run was making things look easy (except rabbits).  He'd had plenty around him.  So, on a lark he decided to start a Looper game.  I told him if he lasted 24hrs I'd buy pizza.   3hrs.  2.5 on the second try.

But they were hooked.  It's a hard game.  But they love the idea of the wilderness.  TLD doesn't have the flash of Fortnite, but it certainly has a lure.

Thanks, Hinterland.

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