Guts and Scent


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After shooting a bear in the face, I promptly hacked it apart for easy transportation. But something i noticed is that carrying 2 or more bear quarters = 3 scent bars, while carrying 1 raw gut = 1 scent bar, but carrying 10 raw gut = 1 scent bar. it doesn't matter if your carrying 1 or 100 bits of intestine, you still only get 1 scent bar. Unless this is just because of my difficulty setting, which is stalker. So, I think gut should add more to your scent bar, say 1 gut = 1 scent bar, 3 = 2, 5 and onwards = 3. Thats just the idea though, I just find it a bit weird hauling so much stinking gut would only give me 1 scent bar. 

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