More Consistent Cooking Key Mapping


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Hello Hinterland team. I'm loving the new update with the cooking system.

I would suggest that the "place" option be mapped to a more consistent control button. Currently (38054) the options available from the wheel has "Place/Cook" bound to Left Click for cooking items (cans, pots) but on Right Click for Food items (raw meat, canned food). I'd suggest having those actions both bound to the same button, either left or right, rather than a mix of the two. The aim here is to allow for more consistent muscle memory development and action.

The key problem here lies with Raw Meat. Left clicking on Raw Meat results in eating it, and aborting an accidental left click on raw meat cannot really be done rapidly enough to prevent food poisoning. Rapidly placing cooking items down (left click) then adding Raw Meat (left... oops, no, RIGHT CLICK!) can easily lead to a potentially game-ending misclick, especially on the more challenging sandbox levels. I'd suggest mapping all place/cook related actions to Right Click to keep the controlling intent consistent between all objects.

Thank you.

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