Custom difficulty cabin fever?


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I know you can toggle cabin fever on/off, but on different difficulties (Stalker, interloper, etc) there’s a different grace period. Like Stalker is 50 I think, and interloper is 25 (I think). So for a custom difficulty, how long is the grace period, if any?

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That is a really good question!  I wonder if it is based on Baseline Resource Availability.  It would make sense for it to be tied to those.  Then you would end up with a cabin fever grace period based on those as each one is tied to a difficulty.  IE- Pilgrim Very High=None etc.  Or it could just be a blanket grace period like 50 if you turn it on.  Someone will have to verify it or get an answer from Hinterland.  It won't be me though, because that is the thing I dislike most about this game is cabin fever!

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