Cooking skill / Deer


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Some posts about the stove, food poisoning and a remark about pine needle thee got me thinking about the cooking skill. For example a good cooking skill give you a better percentage of detecting the quality of food. But also lets you play a bit with calorie intake. For example beef jerky gives me a calorie intake of 450. But if I combine that with water and some roots or mushrooms I found while gathering wood and made a stew of that I boost the calorie intake to 800+.

For gathering food deer can now be become your indicator that there is food around, or you can chase it away when you see it dig up or eat something. This also adds to the realism of tracking deer, finding out the spots where they feed. Right now the deer are a bit predictable.

And to fantasies a bit more instead of one deer make it a small herd, which give you a moral dilemma do I shoot bambi and get less meat or do I shoot the big one but reduce my chances of finding natural food and let the wolf that is chasing this herd eat bambi anyway. Which gives wolf a bit more realism because they are following the herd and is for me an indicator that there are deer around and vice versa. And overshooting the deer population will result in lesser wolfs. But will also reduce you change for your next winter coat or that new furry underwear you saw that model wear in that magazine before you made tinder out of it.

And last to make cooking more diverse add things like sugar (short energy boost), salt (to preserve meat and fish), flower, coffee (short boost to exhaustion). Most of those things can be found in a household and can add to you calorie intake.

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I like the idea of cooking and could think about a few other simple recipes. For example you could find dry oatmeal which on their own would give next to none calories, however boiled in water could be filling (mixed with sugar or honey to boost energy). You could also find alcohol to drink or use as antiseptics/accelerant/fuel. When drunk alcohol would reduce cold (to simulate 'heat' you feel when drinking in real life) in exchange for gradually stronger motion blur and wobble as you drink more and more. From what I heard, honey and vodka will never spoil, which would make for an interesting honey-vodka survival diet. It would be nice to have a cooking skill with different options of cooking: boiling, roasting, smoking, etc.

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i think being able to make simple recipes would be nice....not to complex though dont want to turn this into a cooking simulator lol. also would love hot beverages like coffee or tea. you could even have a thermos and take them with you on the go, pro would raise body temperature and lower fatigue from caffeine, con would make your thirst meter go up quicker because caffeine dehydrates you.

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